#10: The Boy Under the Player

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Hi I know it's been awhile since I posted. So, here's a good chapter. I hope you like it. :DDDDDDDDD How about 10 votes for the next chapter. I'm telling it's going to be good, its when The PLague performs......hmmmm :DDDDDD

Don't forget to check out my other story :DDDDDDD PLEASE!!!!


I looked over at Luke who looked at me with a grin. I wish I knew what that grin meant. I didn’t tell Lulu, or anyone from the band that I was going out with Luke to the ice- cream parlor. I knew they were going to freak and then spy on me. Right now, I was wishing Lulu was next to me, because I felt so uncomfortable under his gaze. I walked a little slower, slowly trailing behind him. Maybe If I make a run for it, then I’d probably get away. Gosh, Luke was on the track team, IMPOSSIBLE, for me to get away. Mission impossible. He looked back and smirked….gosh how much I wanted to wipe that smirk off his face. Why did I even agree to him? Crap my niceness. Was niceness even a word?

“You look uncomfortable.” He said pointing out the obvious. No duh, I was uncomfortable, I was with you!

I looked at him and shuffled up, “I’m not, I just don’t even know why I even agreed.”

“You seem to be comfortable hanging out with them white friends of yours.” He said, “It’s funny how you don’t even talk to anyone else that’s black. You think you better than us?”

I stopped in my tracks. Wooow! I have never heard such foolishness in my life. I mean, I’m black my self. It’s crazy; I mean I have other black- wait no I don’t. I really didn’t. Lulu, Jake, Jason, Kacey and Jack were basically all the friends that I had.

“Wait! No, I don’t think I’m better than any of you guys.” I said to him, “It’s just…..”

“It’s just what.” He said walking up ahead of me

I sigh trying to catch up with him, “Why did you even agree to come. I rather you just say your smart little comment, and then we play our little game. You leave, and I walk away.”

“Listen Mr. Jackson-

“Look, Tyler, I go by Luke, and I’m sorry for the way I’ve treated you but it’s just my way of getting a girls attention.”

I smiled, “Well maybe you was coming on too strong.”

“No, that’s not even it.” He said nudging me, “You like white boys.”

“I guess I do.” I said quietly

“To be more specific,” he said, “You like Jake.”

I looked up at him with a horrified look, “No, I don’t like Jake.”

He laughs folding his arm. He was wearing an Adidas track suit and a Hollister shirt, “You must really think I’m that stupid. I’ve observed you for some while. I see the way you look at him, or the way you giggle.” He says mocking my giggle, I find myself slightly slapping him, “Or the way you flip your hair whenever he’s around.”

“Well you’re a stalker.” I said, “But, I’m glad you decided to lay off. Maybe we can be friends.”

“Maybe we can.” He said opening the ice cream shop door. He took me to a local ice cream shop, Mr. Jay’s Freezing Breezy Ice Cream. I went up and order Vanilla on a waffle cone; I looked at Luke, hoping he would pay because waffle cones were terribly expensive. He pulls out his wallet and gives the waiting cashier a 10 dollar bill.

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