#13: Journey Solo *Last part of Gravity 56*

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Hi guys. Wassup. Haven't been here for a while...if you call a while 4 days. I'm so excited to post this chapter so let me shut up so you can read it. Oh my gosh....I've set out the rest of the story and I'm sure you're going to love it. 10 chapters for the next chapter. :))))) EEPPPP!!

#13: Journey Solo

“Excuse me but can I speak to the young lady that was  singing?” A well dressed man said appearing in our view. The man looked very familiar.  I couldn’t place my tongue on who he was but he looked familiar. He did looked important.

I looked up at him and shook my head slowly. My band members seem to recognized the balding man taking me away from them. I looked back and Jake gave me a small encouraging smile. I wonder what he had to speak to me for. The man stops suddenly at the coke bar and orders us to cokes. I smile and look up at him shyly.

“So I know you’re wondering why I brought you here?” he said resting his hand on the bar. I nodded my head for him to continue speaking. I did wonder why he brought me here. I hope not to critique my singing or tell it that it’s bad or terrible…or whatever he’s here to tell me. I hope that its good news, “Well you see I like your singing, I like you…what’s the word you young kids use these days….your swagger.”

“Thanks.”I said smiling and nodding my head. I placed my head in my hand to hold It up even more interested in the words he had to say.

He takes a swig of his coke and pauses, “See my collegues think you’re great to.”

“So where is this going?” I asked getting anxious.

“We want to make a demo with you.” He said straightforward, “That means if your parents approves you would be heading to L.A. in a few weeks.”

I did a spit take, luckily it wasn’t in his direction, and did a double take at him surprised. I picked up the napkin that was wrapped around the glass and wiped the corners of my mouth. A big smile appeared on my face when I recognized the words we said, “ My band would so love this! We can do so many things together.”

The well dressed man shook his head no. My smiled dimmed down confused of what he was going to say, “ No. Not your mind, just you, and you alone.”

“So you’re telling me, that you don’t want to make a demo with my band, just me?” I said trying to get rid ofmy confusion.

“Yes.” He said shaking his head up and down, “Look I just want you to think about it, and talk about it with your band. However I just want to leave you with one thing.”

I looked at him expectantly, “Yes?”

“Don’t let the faith of this band depict your future.”

Was he right? I felt just thinking about my band while I leave for Los Angeles trying to get famous. This was a band dream, and only I got this opportunity. Yes, this was my dream, but I didn’t want to do it alone. However this was a hard deal to turn down, a really hard deal to turn down. I thought about this as I walked towards my waiting band. I rubbed my left hand nervously. What would they think when I tell them.

They all looked at me wanting to know what Mr. Jackal was saying to me. Luke smiled at me and wrapped his hand my around my shoulders. I looked up at him and gave him a small smile.

“Go ahead.” He whispered in my ear, “Tell them.”

I looked up at Luke. Apparantly he knew, was he all behind this. It made me feel good that  I had someone behind me to support me of this decision I had to make.

“H-h-hey you guys.” I stuttered, the words barely passed m lips.

They all looked at me. It made me even more nervous. Jakes eyes made me nervous the most. His pools of brown looked at me intimated me. I didn’t know how to say this. I had no idea how to.

“Can I talk to Jake alone?” I said deciding that it would be best if I tell him alone. I didn’t want to see everyones reaction, I loved everyone day, including Lulu, but Jake really needed to know. Jake walks towards me and nods. Aia grabb his wrist and leaded him towards the Coke bare.

Jake looks up at me as I take a seat on the stool, “What do you have to tell me?”

I look away from him, “Mr. Jackal…..” I said trailing off.

“Mr. Jackal what?” he asked in a soft tone of voice.

“Mr. Jackal wants to make me a demo for his company in Los Angeles.” I said smiling at him small. He looks up at me and a grin spead on his face. I didn’t expect him to be so, so happy.  I couldn’t believe  this. I expected him to get angry and tell me that I was turning my back on the band.

“I can’t believe this!” he said laughing and hugging me, “That’s great!”

“I don’t want to leave the band though.” I said frowning.

“Don’t worry about it!” he said smiling at me, “You’re special and you deserve it.”

“I just don’t know.”

Jake stands up and walks closer to me. I shiver at him being so close to him, “Tyler, I’ve know you for years.” He laughs, “Of course you’re my bestfriend. From the time I saw you, I knew you were special and I thought to myself, ‘hey you’re someone I would want to be friends with’. You need to follow your dreams, even if in your heart you feels as if its wrong. If this band was meant for fame and not club and school gigs, then somewhere under the sun we’ll be standing next to you opening for you at your concert. I believe in you.” He said turning my chin and lifting it up to him, he was so close to me that it felt as if his lips was going to touch me he comes closer his lips almost brushes mine, “I believe in you.”

Our lips were about to touch each other when the barman cleared his throat and pointed to the sign on the wall which read no sexual activity. I blushed, though you couldn’t see my red because my of my skin. I looked down and nodded. However, in my head I was basically like, ‘OMG me and Jake just kissed’. Oh my gosh Jake and I almost kids.

I know this story is pretty short, but it's just that I felt like if I break up my story a little more, it would make the story move slower, instead of quicker.  

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