6 Years Later

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Hi, it's me from the dead. I can't believe that 6 years later. People are still reading something that I wrote when I was about 15. I'm turning 22. Yes, it's been that long. Thank you to everyone who continue to read Interracial Love. 

To be quite honest, I tried to read my own book. I cringed a bit. I wanted to edit it and changed it, but I decided not too. That's what I thought at the moment and I'm going to leave it alone.

I hope that everyone is staying safe in this quarantine. Thank you to essential workers, and my heart goes out to anyone who have lost a friend or family member in this crisis. 

With that being said, I have a lot of time on my hands. I've been pretty restless- after being laid off from my job. Yeah, I'm an adult now. It sucks. But, I decided to come back to my old stomping grounds and give you a pt2. 

I'll be updating every week. I promise. I have nothing better to do.

I hope you enoy.

Now please go read Inseparable Love.... Tyler and Jake...they're waiting on you.


Me. <3

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