Chapter 2

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Arshi pov :

I sat on my place watching outside from window it was getting night and everyone in compartment was called off night switching off the lights.

Vicky was sleeping peacefully, cool breeze coming from outside. A small smile appeared on my lips when I remembering our collage days.

Four years back......

It was my first day in collage I was hell nervous but a small relaxation when I got to know that my childhood friend harshitha was also same collage as mine.

We both went to same school and now we both are same group.

Lecturer was taking attendance my turn was over "Vikram" I hear him saying, my heart beats fastly.

'Is this Vikram and my school crush is same!'

I turn my head to saw him but didn't find who it was because lecturer was taking another person's attendance.

Since my school days I only heard this name but never saw him. Whenever I tried to saw him my heart doesn't accept. What if I fall for him?

This name has something which makes my heart beats faster every time I hear.

This was continued a week. Still I don't get to know who is Vikram.

I was walking towards my class in an empty hallway, I should ask harshitha about him but it create unnecessary drama over collage.

Suddenly a guy was walking casually towards my direction we both collided in our way.

"After you" he said giving me space I smiled nervously and walked past to him but my fate was never helped me in any situations. My leg twisted as I stepped in water which I didn't saw.

I immediately falling down before I fall a hand held mine but both are fall on ground.

He was top of me I felt like time was frozen as our eyes was staring at each other.

He was the first one who broke the eye contact and got up. I sat up he held his hand for me.

I took it he pulled me up "sorry" we both said in unison. He nodded start walking past me.

"Vikram" I hear someone calling I hurriedly turn saw that guy was actually Vikram, someone called him running towards him.

"Shut up" Vikram groaned as his friend hugged him they both start laughing and left from there.

'He is Vikram!!!'

I snap back as felt someone calling my name saw Vicky was staring at me confusingly "where you lost, I was calling you since few minutes" he said.

"Your phone is ringing" he said I realised that and checked my phone saw three missed calls from Megha.

I slapped my forehead sighing heavily "looking at your expression, it was from Meghana right!" Vicky asked me i nodded.

He start laughing "she doesn't change" he said I laughed with him. Yes Megha was a tomboy type. She will kill me if I didn't call her back.

I dialled her number as Vicky was went back to his sleeping position. It was around 9:30 pm.

She didn't lift my call I sighed heavily I think she was angry. I stared at outside from window.

It was raining outside I put my hand outside from window as raindrops are falling on my hand.

I smiled when cool breeze touched my skin. Slowly my eyes start closing as tiredness took over my body but I felt someone gaze on me before I know sleep took over me.

I stirred in my sleep when I felt something on my cheek. I pushed that thing away but it caressed my hair.

I groaned but didn't open my eye lids as my eyes are so damn tired. After some time I drifted into deep slumber ignoring my surroundings.

I felt tap on my shoulder I opened my eyes saw Vicky was waking me "sorry to disturb your sleep" he said I sat up.

He has shoulder bag which is sling to his shoulder lazily as he was ready to stop in next station.

"I am going" he said I felt my heart was clenched it was not a first time to hear these words from him.

"My station is coming next" he said I nodded "arshi I really hope if you forgot everything and moved freely with me I would really happy" he said.

I stared at him without any expression "I would really appreciate it if you come for Neha's engagement. Hell I want you to come with me now" he said showing his hand.

Going with him??

"Don't hesitate, everyone will be happy to meet you" he said I stared at his hand thinking wether should I go or not!!

Maybe going with him was not an bad option!!!!


I held his hand he pulled me up with a big smile on his face. "Come let's go" he said picking up my luggage.

I followed him we got down from train walking towards the exit.

Today my destination changes don't know what will happen in next minute


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