Chapter 3

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Vikram pov :

I don't know why did I asked her to come with me!!

I felt so happy when I saw her after our fight. She isn't changed a bit. Her anger, her misconception, her innocent face.

She was the best in her own way, but I am not correct for her. She was a fragile but I will surly hurt her.

"Vicky" I snapped back from my thoughts when I hear arshi voice saw her looking at me confusingly.

We are in taxi going to my village. Actually my grandparents wants Neha's engagement in this village. It will took 3 hours from railway station.

"Where are you lost" she asked me i shook my head "nothing" I said she nodded and stared outside.

I watched her, whenever we both met it was feel like a first time. I still remember our collage days...

Flash back......

As I join in collage most of the other students are my friends. I know harshitha but she never ever introduced me to her best friend Arshi.

I know arshi since my childhood I used to observer her in school days. Whenever she hears my name she used to look around class.

Initial days I don't know this but observing her I got to know this. She would glance whole class like she was searching for me to know who had Vikram name.

Our first meet was make me smile still now because that's where I fall for her deeply.

Since our awkward situation I used to thinking of her and even tried to talk with her but she was being all shy and never talked with me, she even didn't make eye contact with me.

Today was our last practical Arshi was my batch and we even got the same experiment.

She was standing next to me biting her nails in nervousness I urge to talk with her but I kept silent waiting for her to speak first.

"V—Vikram" I heard her shaking voice I turn my attention towards her she was looking like a lost puppy.

"I don't get the total in this experiment" she said i smiled at her. I took pen paper from her hand when our hands brushed her cheeks went into pink like she was blushing.

I felt my heart was beating fast. I write down the experiment and give back to her.

"Thank you so much" she said smiling brightly at me and went back to her shyness not looking at me mood.

I chuckled looking at her she is such an innocent.....

"Vicky will you stop day dreaming" I snapped back when i hear Arshi voice she was rolling her eyes.

"Taxi was stopped driver was looking it go down" she order me. I smirked at her she looks cute when she was angry or irritated.

I pulled her cheeks and got down leaving her in shock. I myself enjoying this.

"What happen?" I asked the driver "sir, tire was punctured" he said nervously. "There is puncturing shop in few kilometres, I will go and get it, till then you can take rest in near restaurant" he said picking up the tire.

I nodded and went back to Arshi side saw her reading a book, she was deeply involved that book because her expression are telling the whole story.

"Arshi" i called her she snapped her head to me hiding the book I frowned "what are you reading" I asked her she shook head negatively.

"It's nothing" she said laugh nervously I sighed, I told her about driver "should we go to restaurant?" I asked her.

"Okay" she said got down from car. We walked few steps saw a restaurant it was looking nice and classic.

We seated in our respective tables "I'll be back, order something" she said and left to restroom.

I sighed and order some lite food for us and waited for Arshi. I looked outside window thinking about us.

We broke in a different way, I bet she will hate me for broke her heart but it was a best thing for her.

She has so much future with her family. She was so much attached to her family she can't even spend a second without them.

Tell me can you separate a girl from her family because of your own selfish love! I can't do that.

I will never do that. I myself had a sister and know the responsibilities and saw my parents planning for Neha's future happily.

I bet every parents wants to give their children best future especially for girls. They've planned her happiness. I don't want her leave everything behind for me.

She doesn't get it know but I'm sure she will understand it once she get a nice life partner!!

But! If I think her with someone else my heart broke into million pieces. She was damn mine but——

"Vicky, did you order it" Arshi asked me sat on her place. I nodded not showing her my expressions.

"Good, now tell me how is your girl friend" she asked me with a sarcastic voice I smiled "she is fine" I said "is she coming for engagement?" She asked me smirking at me.


I didn't even told her!!!

"Actually she was very busy, she will come on that day" i said to her before she could ask any other questions our food came and I diverted the topic successfully.

"Did you found anyone" I asked her she stared at me with a blank expression, asking her this question I realised how badly I want her to say 'no'.

I waited for her answer but she was kept silent. "Arshi, do you have anyone in your life" I asked her founding myself sweating for this question.

What Vikram! You want her to move on right!!!

Then why are you wanting her to say 'no'

She finally open her mouth "I——"

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