Chapter 30

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Arshi pov :

Each step I am descending make me think that I am doing wrong!!! But I couldn't let my family down in front of guests. I stepped out from the last step lowering my head down.

I walked towards my parents "she is Arshi" dad said "she looks beautiful" that same lady spoke I didn't even raise my head.

"She is mom after all she is my friend" I shocked to hear this voice I immediately raised my head saw an smirking harshitha "see she recognised my voice" she said i look over her brother he smiled at me.

Oh no!!! He is Harshitha's brother! That's why she inform Vicky about this!!!

I fisted my hands into ball controlling my anger towards her for not yelling at her in front of her parents.

"Arshi you already known us from years" aunty said why shouldn't I, they all are good people except harshitha. "We want to take our family relationship to next level" uncle said.

"Arshi—" dad called me I looked over him "as you see I can't give my word without my daughter's decision" he said looking at me. I smiled he definitely know that I don't want this.

"It's okay take your time" Harshitha brother said he is a nice man but I always saw him as Harshitha's elder brother.

They've talked sometime and left I sat on sofa "see Arshi—-maybe I should think about Vicky's words that day" dad said sat beside me I looked at him "but still I don't want you to go through like me" he said placing his hand over my head.

"Yes Arshi—that's why we didn't let you speak to other men and we don't want you to fall in love with someone and goes through the same heartbreak like your father" mom said tears rolled on her cheeks.

"But Vicky never hurt me" i said "Arshi you want us to bear all the insults from our relatives" mom asked me angrily held my arm tightly which will definitely leave marks.

"Mom you are hurting me" I hissed in pain "decide what you want Arshi" dad said "I am being nice to you so you will know the difference" dad said strictly.

"Then listen my decision" I said "I am not marrying anyone else except Vikram" I shouted declaring my decision loudly.

"It won't change a bit" I said and ran towards my room leave my parents in shock about my new outcome. I closed my room door and dialled Vicky number.

I told him what happened here "I am coming" he said "come and talk with them" I said "yeah I am starting" he said I disconnected the call taking a deep breath.


There is an awkward silence filled on a large living room my palms get sweated and I felt my heart could just stopped if no one breaks the silence.

Vicky and dad are being silent since he came to my house. Dad was not speaking but lost in his thoughts as Vicky also. I stood there watching them both as my mom bring coffee for them.

"Vicky——are you sure you will take care of my daughter" dad broke the silence. I rolled my eyes how many times he will ask that question?

"Uncle what made you doubt me so much?" Vicky asked "see once you left my daughter and now came back to her life again will you give guarantee that you won't leave my daughter in future" dad asked him.

There is a long silence "if you don't have any answer for this question let me ask you another one" dad said Vicky stayed silent which make me anxiety.

"I don't want to know why you left her in past but I want to know if anything like past will come in future will you leave her again?" Dad asked the same question in different style.

Vicky glanced at me I don't know what to say to him or how to make him calm. I can see anger in his eyes for doubting his love who couldn't get angry when someone question your love.

"See uncle Arshi has no doubt on me or on my love why are you thinking as I am a cheater?" Vicky asked angrily "because you are" dad said i frowned.

"You lied to her about your fake relationship isn't that cheating?" He asked Vicky stood up "how can be that as cheating?" Vicky asked.

"If you don't have any intention of cheating her you won't lie about your fake relationship instead you could convince her about the situation" dad said getting up.

"Uncle whatever happened in our life is totally our personal and we sort out that" Vicky said "I never ever cheat her, if I had any intention of cheating her I would do that but I never ever glance at another women" he said.

"Arshi—-if you want me then come with me" he said showing his hand "I am done with your father's useless questions and doubts" he said angrily.

I looked over at my dad who is glaring at Vicky after what he told me about his past I can't hate him or leave him just like that!!!

"What are you thinking" Vicky words bring me back I looked at him "are you also doubting my love?" He asked me with hurt in his eyes.

I shook my head negatively "no no Vicky—-it's not like that" I told him hurriedly "then what is it?" He asked

"I—-just can't leave my parents" I shuttered looking at ground "what" he whispered probably not believing my words.

"So you will leave me" he asked tears formed in my eyes "see uncle is your daughter is a cheater now?" Vicky asked dad I looked at him.

"She is leaving me is that mean she is cheating me" he asked "uncle if sacrificing love for the sake of parents it isn't cheating uncle" Vicky said.

Dad eyes become red "I left her in past because I respect your decisions" he said taking back steps "i again came to her life because I realise that I don't have such a big heart to live without her" he said tears formed in his eyes.

"After loving a person it means you both are bounded to together you can't let them go for the name of sacrifice—-what is the point of sacrificing our lives for the sake of some kind of society which will never respect us, we need to bring the change" Vicky said.

"What ever happened to you uncle it was only because of your parents thoughts about society but now you are doing same thing to your daughter" he said.

Vicky turned towards one last time before leaving the house as he left Megha came probably she heard everything that what happened here.

"What are you thinking now?" She asked me "if you don't go know then you never ever meet him again" she said holding my shoulders.

I looked over at my parents while tears rolling on my cheeks.

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