Chapter 21

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Arshi pov :

"Arshi—-listen to me" Vicky said holding my shoulders I pushed his hands away and start walking back to my room let tears rolling on my cheeks.

I hear his footsteps and calling me behind but I didn't turn or stopped, I went to my room and about to shut the door but vicky was faster than me entering inside closing door behind him.

"Leave" I said angrily "Arshi—-" I showed him my hand "just leave me Vicky" I said controlling my sob.

"You had a perfect plan right! Then look forward for that and leave me damn alone" I said angrily pushed him back by his chest.

He caught my wrist and pulled me to him leaning his back on door I fall on his chest suddenly he put his lips on mine make me forgot all the anger and sadness.

He caressed his tongue on my lips slowly I give up and kissed him back his grip on my wrist became lose and hold my waist. I let my hands ran on his chest to his hair, I lock my fingers in his soft hair make him groan.

"You are going to be death of me" he mumbled between kisses, he start walking holding me in his arms. I don't know where but I followed his leads. My legs hit bed made me realise where this is going.

Before I could protest him his lips went to my neck sucking there make me moan he slowly pushed me on bed fall on me still his lips on my neck.

I clutched his shirt in my fist tightly he was placing wet kisses on my neck. My mind is became numb with pleasure that he is giving me.

I am taking breaths hardly while his hands roam around my body and I let him do that. "Stop me" he whispered cupping my cheeks placing his lips again mine.

Words are struck in my throat I couldn't able to speak as I felt shiver ran down on my spine.

"Vicky" I called his name but it came as moan make me blush hard slowly he left my lips "open your eyes" he asked me i slowly opened them saw him already looking at me.

He smiled and kissed my forehead turn us around I was top on him he put my head on his chest hugging me I let my arms wrapped around him listening his heartbeat.

"Don't get angry Arshi...I told you in morning right" he asked me I remember his words saying that
'what ever happen please don't hate me' I nodded my head.

"I planned to talk with your dad today after we came back to home but that Santhosh spoiled everything" he said last part angrily I could tell that his face now would be red and jaw clenched.

I raised my head from his chest and looked at him I held his chin make him look at me. When his eyes met mine they've become softened.

"I will talk with your dad and make him agree. It's okay to go back" he said I pulled myself away from him sat on bed.

He also sat beside me "Vicky—-there is a thing you need to know about me" I said not looking at him but I feel his eyes on me.

"What is it?" He asked me I took deep breath "it was the main reason that I had panic attacks" I said fidgeting my fingers "I don't know the reason of my insomnia is because of you or because of my past" I said.

"What!" He asked me i nodded "I had a very dark childhood" I said his hand slipped into mine "they abused me" I said my voice cracked.

"I don't know why did they done maybe it was over love or over protectiveness" I said a hot tear rolled on my cheek. Immediately Vicky pulled me into his chest.

"It's only one time they raised their hand on me but it leave eternity memory" I told him how my parents raised their hand at me when I was 15 years old.

"After that incident I became alert of what I am doing" I told him he caressed my cheeks "but sometimes they behave like I am their life" I said pushing myself away from his facing him.

"Arshi" Vicky cupped my cheeks "I don't know Vicky what will happen once I go back in past they abuse me for just talking with a men without their permission but now uncle asked my dad about our marriage maybe they will kill me once I get back" I said tears rolled on my cheeks.

"You know Ashok is my best friend in school you may notice it too" I asked him he smiled "yes I know how protective he was about you" he said "that kinda make me jealous but all his protectiveness is friendship that's what make me calm" he said chuckling i smiled.

"After that incident with my parents I stopped talking with him and completely ignored him" I said "he was there for me when I need someone most he was the best person I've ever got as a friend" I said fresh tear rolled on my cheeks.

"Sometimes I miss him so much when I saw best friends. I wish that I could raise my right in my house but it won't happen" I said.

"I just want to meet Ashok once and ask his forgiveness for ignoring him" I told him he listened me without any interruptions.

"Dad already warned me about being so much close to you" I whispered he placed his lips on my forehead for sometime make me relax in his arms.

"I don't know Vicky once I go back what will happen" I said moving away from him "I will come for you" he promised me but this time my heart wasn't ready to accept and relax with his words. He promised me so many things but none of them succeed.

He promised me that he will talk with my parents and never leave me but now he himself sending me back without listening to me.

I was so scared to being with my parents all alone I don't know what will they do to me this time. Deep down I know I can't pressure Vicky as his sister marriage is in nearly 2 months away I can't ask him anything.

"I won't let them touch you again arshi—-it's my promise..and I keep my words this time" he said pulling me into a tight hug which I let him.

I inhale deeply melting myself "don't worry" he said wiping my tears i nodded "sleep" he said and about to walk away I held his wrist.

"Won't you say anything" I asked him he looked at me longingly "for everything there is time" he said smiled sadly and left the room.

I sat back on bed crying loudly about everything around me. I felt like I was beating trapped in all the emotions which are ready to burst out anytime.

I want to confess my love again to him but something is stopping me. I want him to confess his love to me again! But he didn't.

Deep inside I know I fall for him again and again and again!!! We both fall for each other every time we seen each other or fall apart.

I don't want any drift or anything between us I will confess him tomorrow before I leave!! At least I can be at peace at some point if I confess my feelings for him again!!!


Hey guyzzzzz!!!!!

How r u all!!!

What will u think about our cute couple?

Do u think that they confess their love for each other AGAIN this time🤔

Let me know ur opinion in comments and do vote!!!

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