Chapter 12

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Arshi pov :

"Arshi" Vicky called me held my shoulders I came from my thoughts looking at him horrifiedly.

"What happen? Why are you looking scared" he asked me placing his palm on my forehead.

"Vicky—-" my voice was shaking with fear "hi arshi" that man came forward I moved to Vicky side.

He wrapped his hands around my shoulder with an confusing face. "Did you forgot us" harshitha asked me.

I didn't said anything "maybe she was busy with her love thing" Santhosh said smirking at me.

"Arshi" Vicky called me I looked at him "can I go to my—-room" I asked him with pleading look.

"But—-okay" he agreed "come I will take you" he said and but harshitha held his hand "what Vikram. You are leaving us" she said pouting.

I felt so suffocated "Vicky please" I asked him he sensed that something is wrong here and he nodded.

"Maid will show you guys your rooms" Vicky said and take me to my room. When we came inside I released my breath which I hold.

He made me sit on bed poured water for me in glass. He gave it to me and sat front of me I drank water.

"What happen" he asked me I lowered my eyes. "It's nothing" I said scared of telling him.

"Arshi. I am being serious, you can tell me what ever you want to. I won't judge you or hurt you" he said seriously.

"Can you give me some time" I asked him he sighed nodding his head. "Okay" he said.

"Does this relate to harshitha and Santhosh" he asked me "please vicky" I asked him.

He nodded didn't ask me any further questions "take rest" he said I held his hand when he got up. "What are you Vicky" I asked him.

He looked at me confusingly "can you please give clarity to me" I asked him. "Give me sometime" he asked me i nodded.

He kissed my forehead and left the room leaving me in my thoughts.

Should I tell him? I never told this to anyone except Megha?

I waited for him to come so I could tell him this but now I am afraid of his reaction?

What if he misunderstand me and leave me?

Or will he support me?

I laid on bed thinking all of these....

"No one believe you, because you are a girl"

That man words rang in my ears making me cringe. I don't know that tears are flowing from my eyes until I felt wetness on my cheeks.


"Arshi! You can't be serious" Vicky said looking at me with disbelief. His hands on his hips looking at me.

"Please I don't want to come downstairs to lunch" I said he rolled his eyes "can you explain me why?" He asked me sat beside me.

"I am not in mood" i said biting my lower lip looking at my hands I felt his hand around my shoulder.

Slowly I leaned my head on his shoulder "why are you looking so sad since morning" he asked me softly.

"Please I don't in a mood to eat" I said looking at him with pout he eyed my pout "why are you so cute" he mumbled before placing his lips on mine kissing me.

He moved back "wait! I don't want to kiss you" he said looking at me i again pouted at him.

Don't blame me! I am addicted to his sweet kisses

"If you don't eat your lunch I won't kiss you" he said I rolled my eyes "okay then" I said moving back.

"Don't you want it" he asked me raising his eyebrow I shook my head negatively "nope" I said popping 'p'.

"Fine then" he said got up I also got up "don't blame me" he said before lifting me in bridle style in his arms.

I gasped loudly "Vicky put me down" I said he shook his head negatively and start walking downstairs.

"If anyone saw us like this, it will be embarrassing" I said hiding my face in his neck encircling my arms around his neck.

"I don't care. Maybe you can stay without my kisses but I can't" he said I blushed "don't blush or I may kiss you right here" he said I laughed.

He walked towards dining room "finally you bring her" aunty said I felt so embarrassed "yeah after lot of arguing" Vicky said.

"Put me down" I said to Vicky "it's okay Arshi. We quit like you both together" aunty said my eyes widened.

"Not only like, in fact we love it" Neha said I don't know what happen to this family suddenly.

They are behaving like we are couples

"Don't worry maybe it will happen in one day" Vicky whispered making me look at him "you said your thoughts loudly" he said my eyes widened.

"Hey" I hear harshitha voice suddenly, that happy smile on my face disappeared "what's going on here" she asked us looking at me and Vicky.

"Nothing, come sit" aunty said but harshitha eyes are on us "woah!!" Santhosh voice make me scared. "I know there is something" Santhosh said.

"Will you guys shut up" Vicky said in anger I looked at him "what's your problem" he asked none of them didn't speak.

He put me down and pulled a chair for me I sat on there silently not raising my head. Vicky also sat beside me.

Maid came and served lunch for us uncle came by the time "mom and dad went to town for inviting relatives" uncle said referring grandma and grandpa.

Oh that's why I didn't saw them!!

"Arshi. When will your parents are coming, Vicky will go to receive them" he asked Vicky nodded.

"Uncle, they will come in 2 days" I told him he nodded "meghana?" Vicky asked me "she will come directly on that day" I told him.

We continued to eat in silence none of us speak anything. I ate my food fastly "what's there to hurry" Vicky asked me lowly.

I looked at him "it's nothing" I said to him he nodded after by the time I finish my food I got call from a friend.

I washed myself and walked back to my room in an empty hallway while talking on phone suddenly a hand held mine pushing me against wall causing my phone slip and fall on floor.

" are being with him again" his words make me sick "let go of me" I groaned tears formed in my eyes trying to push him.

"No" he said "you are became more beautiful these years" he said I felt like hate myself for fall on to this situation.

"Why are you ignoring me" he asked me "Vicky" I shouted but he closed my mouth with his hand.

"Don't take his name" he whisper yelled I struggled in his grip "you rejected me" he said "no girl ever rejected me you know" he said.

"Even harshitha came back again to me" he said smirking at me I pushed his hand away "if she come back to you or not I don't care" I said.

"Yes! I rejected you, I will kill you for asking me such a—" I couldn't complete my words feeling disgusting.

I pushed him hardly and start running towards my room with tears flowing from my eyes, I collapsed with a hard chest.

A strong protective arms wrapped around me "Arshi" Vicky called me but I felt my head was spinning.

"Hey—-look at me" he patted my cheeks but my eyes are closing "Arshi" last thing I remember his Panic voice before I lost my consciousness.

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