Chapter 29

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Arshi pov :

I waited but nothing felt pain I opened my eyes saw them looking at me calmly without saying anything.

"Call him to our home" dad said i stared at him shockingly "but—-" mom started but stopped in middle sighing.

"Evening 6 o'clock" he said looking at his watch "I don't like who haven't on time" he said i nodded he and mom left my room without saying anything.

That's it!!!

They didn't said or abuse me!! They are behaving calmly.

I doubted on them for their calm behaviour today!!

You see I never trusted my parents if in case I trust them for some reason they will prove me wrong to trust!!!

They aren't trust worth to me!!!!

I stared at the door where they both left few minutes ago. I slowly pick up my phone and dialled Vicky number.

I told him about my parents "i doubted that they plan something" i said over phone "Arshi—-they are your parents maybe they changed" he said I sighed.

My head is aching so much "I will call you in evening" he said I disconnected call and got freshen up. I walked downstairs to kitchen for prepare myself a coffee.

Surprisingly my mom prepared for me and give it to me with smile I took from her. She is acting weird today I drank my coffee dad is reading newspaper.

While I am eating my breakfast I heard calling bell "they are here" dad said to mom I watched them confusingly.

We're they are expecting guests??

I slowly took my plate while eating my parents left to living room welcoming I know guests.

I leaned on wall hiding behind it "yeah she is here" mom said I heard lot of voices "I want to see her" an elderly female voice said.

I quickly put my plate in sink washed my hands ran over to my room closing door locking it. "I know they had something in their mind" I mumbled someone knocked door.

"Arshi we assume that you already know about this" dad said i fisted my hands in anger. "Can we behave like matured persons and let's talk" dad said i opened door.

He came inside "Arshi—-before we came here" he said and told me his conversation with Vicky. I listened him "just meet this guy—-if you don't like him I will cancel marriage" he said.

For the first time I saw him as my father who wants to keep his daughter happy "without meeting him I am saying no to this marriage" I said calmly.

"Arshi—-we can't decide without knowing anything" he said he moved his hands slowly towards me placing his one hand on my head another one on my shoulder.

"Just——know who is best for you" he said there is a tiny bit of tears in his eyes but he masked his emotions. "I know dad who is best for me" I said "Vicky is perfect for me in every way he is my soulmate" I said he sighed.

"Arshi—-I know you both from years and I am sorry for not being a father whom you want but are you sure that he won't leave you again?" He asked me "what!" I asked him.

"Vicky told me about your love story" he said my eyes widened I don't know what to say. Vicky didn't said anything about this to me.

"He left me because of you—-he sacrificed himself for me" I said "but—-love isn't about sacrifice Arshi——I've seen a lot of couples" he said walking towards window staring at sky.

"Have you ever thought why I hate love so much?" He asked me "because you hate inter-caste marriages!" I said it mostly came like a question.

"You know when I was in your age I loved a girl" he said my brain stopped working for a second "what!" I asked him "yes!" he said.

"In our time our parents are so strict girls can't talk with boys and caste system was so strong" he said I listened to him without interruption him.

"My brother married a girl from our caste my father doesn't like my love her parents married her off I thought she left me after that I married to your mom" he said his voice cracked.

"Starting days I didn't even talk with your mom after few days I got to know that—-that—-the girl I loved was committed suicide" he finished tears formed in my eyes.

"She sacrificed herself for me" he said "she knows that I can't love my wife so she thought if she die I will move on" he said.

He turn around walking towards door but stopped "Sometimes soulmates aren't mean to become life partners" he said without turning back.

I stared at my dad who left closing door I stood there my hands are shaking I sat down on my bed tears rolled on my cheeks.

Since my childhood I thought dad has no heart but I never think that maybe his heart is broken!!!!

But how he move on from a person!!!

After few minutes I wipe off my tears my phone suddenly start ringing I saw caller ID it is from Vicky.

I lifted the call "Arshi——is it true what I heard" he asked me I frowned "what—" I asked him.

I don't get it what he is saying "is it true or not" he asked me his voice is angered "what are you saying?" I asked him getting up from bed.

"Harshitha told me that your parents arranged marriage for you" he asked me "yes but—" before I could say anything he stopped me "do you know it from beginning or now" he asked me "let me explain Vicky—-" I said.

"Do you think I am a fool—-if you know this from beginning then why the hell didn't you tell me huh!" He yelled I flinched at his voice.

"Why the damn I need to know about you from someone else" he asked me "Vicky—-I also got to know just few minutes back" I said "why didn't you message me" he asked me.

"I am coming and asking your father about this" he said "I will talk with him today itself in front of them" he said "Vicky no—" I said "not now guests are here and if you talk with him in front of them he will feel humiliated" I said stopping him.

"What! Why are you supporting him—we already decided right Arshi!" He asked me "yes Vicky we decided but it's not the correct time" I said, after knowing about dad I can't insult him.

"See dad has his reasons to punish me for not my mistakes" I said "he thought his daughter is also going through just like him if he give freedom to me" I said tears slipped my eyes.

"What!" He asked me "Vicky i will tell you everything later but please trust me" I asked him I hear nothing "please Vicky" I again asked him "Arshi—I trusted you but I felt like dying when I hear about you from someone else" he said.

I can understand how he felt about this "sorry for shouting at you" he said "it's okay—even I also need to apologise for not telling you" I said.

"Vicky listen I need to go just don't assume anything" I told him "okay" he said "I love you—bye" I said disconnecting call.

I took deep breath preparing myself for what I am going to do now!!

I can't insult my father in front of them!!!

Just going down is not a big deal I can still say no to this marriage!

But how did harshitha know about this?

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