Chapter 15

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Arshi pov :

We came back to Vicky's house. "You guys came" uncle excitedly said hugging dad he also hugged him back.

They both are became close friends these past years, mom and aunty start talking about some stuff. We all seated on sofa.

"How is preparations are going" dad asked uncle "they are going pretty well I think. But marrying off a daughter was not a small thing" Uncle said.

Dad nodded looking lost in his thoughts "I too have a responsibility" he said looking at me my eyes automatically went to Vicky's who is watching dad.

"Ahh. Don't worry about that we all are here right" Uncle said looking at Vicky and me. "We want to discuss something with you" aunty said.

"Mom we will talk later. Uncle tell me what you want to eat in dinner" Vicky said i frowned it was clearly telling that he was diverting the topic.

What does aunty and uncle wants to discuss?

"Anything Vicky" dad said "we need to follow some protocol since it was covid time" I said.

"We need to give mask for everyone and sanitize everywhere. And mainly we need to distance ourselves as social distance" I told them.

"But Arshi, is that even possible when we all are meeting after a long time" neha said. "But we need to do it neha it was about our lives" I said.

"Moreover it is not correct time for gatherings but we do at least we should take these precautions" i said but looking like no one is interested in this.

I sighed heavily fall back on couch "come on arshi" Neha said laughing at me I rolled my eyes "why are you laughing" I asked her "look at your cute face" she said pinching my cheeks.

"Neha" I groaned "okay okay, arshi take your parents to their room as they need to fresh n up" aunty said. I nodded and took them to another guest room.


We all seated for dinner "oh I forgot to bring water" grandma said "grandma I will bring it" I said and got up from my place.

I went to kitchen to bring water for everyone. While i was pouring water I felt a presence behind me I am damn sure it was not Vicky.

"Arshi" Santhosh voice make me straddle water spilled on kitchen counter "I hear that you fall sick" he said.

Sweat buds formed on my forehead as my hands are shaking I took tray and start walking outside but he held my arm make me stop.

Soon tray fall on floor from my hands "why are you running away from me" he asked me smirking at me.

My mind stopped working as I felt my head was spinning. I hear giggles coming from outside. Just few steps away everyone is present but I can't able to move my legs.

I can sense, again that panic attack are coming back but am I that weak person!!

I never fall apart when Vicky left me then why I am scaring of this person!!

I remember Vicky's words in afternoon....

"Instead of scaring you should fight back with your demons" he told me. "Me, Meghna or anyone may not with you to help you always but remember Arshi, you are not a weak person" he said caressing my cheeks.

"You are strong. You need to be strong for saving yourself from Santhosh like persons" he told me.

I closed my eyes tightly taking deep breaths. I felt Santhosh leaning on me. I fisted my palms into ball.

I opened my eyes punched him on his stomach making him hiss in pain clutching his stomach moving away from me.

"Don't ever try to touch another women" I warned him gritting my teeth he groaned in pain. This time I smirked at him and again bring water and walking into dining room still he was in pain.

I sat beside Neha placing water glasses on table our parents are talking about tomorrow ceremony. My eyes are searching for Vicky "he was in backyard" Neha whispered.

I smiled at her but looked at mom and dad "don't worry I will manage here" she said i thanked her walking backyard.

I saw Vicky is talking on phone as his back was facing me. I start ran towards him and hugged him tightly.

"Arshi" Vicky called my name I closed my eyes tightly smiling myself he turn towards me I opened my eyes.

"What happen, you look so happy" he asked me smiling at me "Vicky you know what did I do" I asked him excitedly he shook his head negatively.

"I defeated him Vicky—-" I told him what happen back then he clenched his jaw looking all angry "he crossed his limits again with you that too around my presence" he said angrily and about to walk inside I held his hands stopping him.

"Vicky look at me" I asked him cupping his cheeks "in your presence or not but I defeat him saving myself right" I asked him.

He nodded "you only told me that you can't always be there to save me and I need to be strong. And I am strong now" I said.

"You don't need to get into fight with him because I already did that" I said his eyes softened "only 1 day after that he will go back" I said he sighed nodding his head.

"Moreover if you get into fight with him mom and dad get suspicious about this and if they learn this situation they will blame me only" I said

"Arshi—" he sighed heavily "you know them right! How judgmental mindset" I asked him he nodded. There silence fall between us.

"See I'm strong now" I said showing my biceps to change his mood he start laughing nodding his head in agreement.

He held my shoulder "wow Ms. Arshi, I am so proud of you" he said I laughed.

"You are a brave women" he said i nodded my head in proud "I always wanted you to be strong and happy arshi" he said cupping my cheeks.

"If you are with me I will be" I told him he smiled kissing my forehead. "Vicky I am waiting since afternoon" I said pouting my lips.

He laughed "stop laughing" I said hitting him on his chest "okay okay, what you want me to tell" he asked my eyes widened.

"What!" I asked him he smirked "no need to tell me I am going" I said walking back to inside but he held my hand spin me to face him.

"Ms.Arshi, I want to tell you something" he said i smiled "yes Mr.Vikram" I said he smiled.

"I lov——" he didn't complete his words when we hear a voice......

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