Chapter 19

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Arshi pov :

I came home happily after spending time with my best friends Ashok and Megha after school when I enter my house saw my mom and dad are looking so angry.

I put my school bag aside and walking towards kitchen I sense something is wrong with them.

"Arshi" my dad called me I turn around facing him "where are you till now" he asked me.

Sweat buds formed on my forehead "with Megha—-" i stammered looking at his angry face "and" mom asked me.

She also looking so angry "with—Ashok" I said the next moment I felt immerse pain on my left cheek.

"How dare you to talk with other boy" mom yelled at me tears spilled from my eyes.

"You are 14 damnit can't you Behave like a girl" she said I don't understand what they are talking about.

"Do you want to Shame us" dad asked me "what are you talking—" before I said again slap.

"If we ever saw you talking with a men without our permission you won't tolerate our anger" mom yelled.

"What's wrong in that—he is also a human right" I asked them while crying placing my hand on my left cheek.

"He is male! You can't talk with them or look at them. What will society think. You can only talk with a men if I give you permission" dad said.

"I don't care dad, I don't care about society all I care about is my happiness and those who are with me" I said.

"You won't listen to us right" mom said and went to kitchen I stood there tears floating from my eyes she burn my hand with a steel scoop I screamed in pain....

I open my heavily eyelids, the first thing I saw was everyone's worried faces. "Vicky I already told you about her panic attacks" the same doctor which Vicky told me that he is Vicky's friend said and left after advice me to go to hospital for checkup once.

"But we don't know about this panic attacks" mom said. Neha acknowledge me awaken and come towards me.

I tried to get up she helped me to sat on bed leaning against headboard. "What is this Arshi, why you never told about this" dad said angrily.

I flinched Neha wrapped her arm around my shoulder "this girl was getting out of our hands" mom mumbled I felt tears formed in my eyes.

"We give you the permission for explore where you want but what is this" dad said Megha came with water.

When she heard dad voice she gritted her teeth "you don't know about her uncle" Vicky and Megha said in unison and looked at each other.

"What!" Dad asked glaring at them, "it means you both failed to understand her since childhood" Megha said putting water glass on side table.

"And you both are accusing her that she is getting out of your hands" she said "did you ever tried to know that your daughter is sleeping peacefully or not. She has insomnia and you didn't even know about it" Vicky said them.

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