Chapter 20

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Arshi pov :

"Marry her with Vikram" Uncle Announced making everyone gasp i looked at uncle horrifiedly he has confident expression.

"I don't have any objection for caste and etc. I respect my children decision" uncle said "I have" dad said "I mind about casting system. Our ancestors make these important for a reason" he said.

"And moreover I won't break that chain in my family that getting married to same the caste" dad said.

"We already found a match for Arshi" dad said tears formed in my eyes I tightened my grip on Vicky hand.

"What!" Vicky said "uncle please let me explain you" he said moving towards my dad "there is nothing to listen. I hope you won't spoil my friendship with your dad and our relation with your family" dad said.

Vicky looked at me "I am not agree with this please don't take me wrongly. How much you respect your children's decisions, I respect my elders tradition" dad said.

Vicky opened his mouth to say something but stopped "we are leaving early in the morning" dad announced "you better be ready on time" he said to me and walked away with mom.

I watched everyone who is lost in deep thoughts Megha looked at me worriedly Vicky didn't protest or told my dad about our love he just simply silenced.

That makes me hurt, he promised me that he will make everything right and talk with my dad but when the time comes he choose to stay silent and let my dad walk away from this discussion.

"Vicky" Megha called him her voice was angry "why didn't you say a word" she asked him. "What happen Vicky" uncle asked.

"Dad I don't think it was right time" he said I frowned "what" Neha asked I got up from sofa.

"He was all angry with earlier thing and now we are asking him to take a big decision in his life" Vicky said staring at me.

"He was man with full of restrictions he can't agree on one day and more over he values his tradition more than anyone else how could we expect him to change" he said i looked away from him.

Vicky is right about my dad but he can't stay calmly.

"I am leaving tomorrow Vicky. Don't know what will happen once I got back home" I asked him.

"Don't worry Arshi we are also coming right, I will make him agree eventually" he said holding my shoulders.

"How could you make him agree if you don't tell him that you loved me" I asked him.

He didn't confess to me that's okay but he needs to tell my parents right!!

"Arshi please—-" he try to say something I pushed his hands away walking towards my room let my tears fall on.

I didn't try to wipe them as I enter inside of my room I shut the door and fall on bed hugging my pillow crying.


I saw time it was past 10 o'clock in the night I got up from bed and went to washroom I washed my face and came outside.

I glanced at dinner which were placed on table I refused to go downstairs but aunty came to me but I told her I will eat once I feel better.

My dad would never agree even if we tried to make him understand he didn't want it so there is only one option!!

I went outside of room everyone is sleeping in their rooms I sneaked towards Vicky room.

I knocked twice hearing his voice I went inside saw him sitting in bed holding his head in his hands.

"Vicky" I called him he immediately raised his head and saw me. He got up and marched towards me pulling me into his arms.

I let myself melt in his warm arms inhaling his scent. "Vicky please tell my dad about us make him agree" I asked him.

"I will do that arshi but there is a time for everything" he said i slowly pulled myself from his arms looking at him frowningly.

"What you mean!" I asked him "Arshi—-give me sometime" he asked me "how much time you need Vikram" I asked him.

I'm fed up with his same dialogue since I came here. How much time he needs to settle things with my parents.

"Arshi—" he sighed "see once we got back to our normal self I will come to your house with my family and ask your hand properly" he said pleadingly.

"Vicky can't you understand that my dad would never agree us, don't send me back" I said "you don't know how they treat me" I said to him remembering their abuse when I was in 10th class.

I flinched when those horrible moments came "please let's go somewhere" I asked him holding his collar cryingly.

"Stop it Arshi" he shouted make me took steps back "why are you so obsessed with running away from home" he asked me angrily.

"Can't you see I have a sister who's wedding is in 2 months I have family, you have family—-did you think after we elope your family will survive" he said.

"Your dad won't let his pride down! I saw him, I understand him. He won't survive while knowing his daughter, his reputation was ran away" he yelled.

"Eloping or running away from family is not success of love it will only destroy someone" he said rubbing his forehead.

"It's just a matter of few minutes for me to take you away and marry you but if we done that for our happiness we can't be happy life long Arshi"

"I am asking you right! Once we got back I can change his mind and make him agree no matter how much years it will take if he didn't agree still he won't agree I'll marry you against their wish" he said holding my shoulders.

"I promised you Arshi—-I will never ever leave you and I'm gonna make it" he said his eyes were red with tears which he is holding.

I placed my hand on his cheek he leaning to my touch "Vicky—-one thing for sure once I got back they won't let me live after knowing your feelings towards me" I said moving back.

"And I am not gonna marry someone else" I said and ran back to my room....

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