Chapter 1

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Arshi pov :

'Some journeys made you realise that you need some alone time with you.

Through I don't know where my journey would end up in future but I won't give up on him!!!!!'

I closed my dairy after writing down my feelings. I looked at outside of train watching trees and building moves.

In my 22 years I never imagine that I would run after someone like, that person was my breath. Yes he is my breath! I won't stop my chase until I get him. I don't run after him if he wasn't have same feelings as me.

"It's been 3 years arshi since he reject you. You should move on" I hear Megha said over phone.

"Meghana, you know me since childhood" i said as I hear her groaning "stop calling me with my full name" she said i smiled.

"He wasn't talking to me Megha but seeing him in front of my eyes was killing me" i said tears formed in my eyes.

"Arshi. He was doing the right thing for avoiding you, don't you see how you are addicting to him" she said.

I sighed "I know Megha but still. You know right that i am loving him. I can't just move on from him accepting what my heart was killing" I said putting my dairy in my bag.

"Arshi. First come here we will talk later about these things. I am waiting for you in railway station. Don't abounded me by dropping in another station" she warned me i smiled.

"Promise" i said looking outside. Where the station came. I searched for water bottle but didn't found it.

I sighed and got down from train. It was early in the morning fog was consumed everywhere. People are running for catching their train.

"One water bottle please" I ask shopkeeper and took out the money. I took the bottle and put it in my handbag.

While walking up to my train I saw a book stall. I stopped in my tracks when I read the author name on a book.

I move close and pull out the book from the rack and saw the author name "vicky" I traced my finger on the name. This name remains me him!

In these past 3 years I read all of this author books which remains me him! No one saw him nor hear from him. He was just an anonymous writer.

His writings about love was make me fall for his books so much..I've read every book but sometimes I feel that my Vicky was writing these books.

But he won't like writing but he used to say that 'I will write a book about us' .

Is it possible that author of these books and love of my life was same person!!!

I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't realise my train was started I hear chaos from people.

I watched in horror of my moving train. I start running towards my train but didn't catch the door. Suddenly a hand came and pulled me inside.

I collied with a hard chest and two strong arms wrapped around me protectively I closed my eyes tightly.

I sensed that these protecting arms are familiar I raised my head and opened my eyes saw him after freaking 3 years.

He was still himself didn't even change a bit of his looks. His eyes, those eyes I lost myself in it make me realise still I can lost in his eyes.

"Arshi" I hear his voice which after 3 years makes my heart beats fast and let the butterflies in my stomach alive again.

"Is this you?" He asked me looking at me without blinking his eyes. I nodded "yes" I was surprised to find my voice.

"Vikram" I called him name. The name which can make my heart beats faster, the name which can make me smile, blush, cry.

"How are you" I asked him he smiled "fine. You?" He asked me i smiled "just living" I said.

We hear throat clearing behind us we both moved aside when we noticed someone was passing before us.

We came to our respected seats, to be surprised his seat was front of mine. I watched him talking with his mom on phone telling her that he was started.

"So. How is life" I asked him breaking the silence "it was good." he said smiling at me.

"What about you" he asked me "not just fine life" i said pushing my hair strands behind my ear.

"Why" he asked me confusingly "after you left I was worse and didn't digest that you won't talk with me ever" I said controlling my tears.

Through I hate to let him know these things but he needs to know. He didn't said anything.

"How's aunty and uncle" i asked him he smiled "they are fine. Neha's wedding got fixed" he said happily.

"Yeah. I know aunty told me" I said he nodded "are you coming for engagement" he asked me i shook my head negatively.

"Won't you hate it if I come" I asked him "why are you saying like this. I would love it if you come" he said.

"Then why aren't you talking with me" I asked him he silenced for a second. "See Arshi. You and me are not happening" he said.

"You are saying this from the time we both confessed our love. Don't you know this when you proposed me back then" i said looking outside don't let him see my tears.

"This is why i don't want to talk with you. You always brought that topic" he said i got up from place "Vikram, you can't just tell me to forgot about how you loved me or that i need to forgot my love for you" i whisper yelled because I don't want anyone to listen our talks.

I walked towards door and stared outside let my tears fall freely. I didn't even try to wipe them out.

"I love you arshi, I won't give up on you"

His words are still rang in my ears. Our love story was not like others. It was filled with lot of complications and hurting things.

He was my first love, my first kiss, my first heart break.

Don't know how would I survive from this heart break. He told me that he won't give up on me but he gives it. I am the only one who is still holding on to him.

We aren't be like a couple for just a second. We both know we are in love and even we confess. When he propose I didn't get chance to accept, when I propose his feelings for me just fade away.

How can someone forgot their true love!!

How to forgot the person who gives you so much memory!!

I accept that we don't have lot of moments but spending a minute with him was a biggest memory for me!!


Hello guys!!!

How are you all!

So this the chapter, what you think about this!

Our Arshi nd Vikram is here to steal ur hearts just wait nd see😉

Hope u like it.

Ignore my mistakes!!!

See u in the next update!!!

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