Chapter 17

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Arshi pov :

My eyes widened when Vicky said those words, mom and dad was watching him with a shocking expression without uttering a word.

"Yes uncle she is part of my family" Vicky said wrapping his hand around my shoulder. "Of course she is" mom said.

"She became so close to your family since past few years" dad said smiling at us i frowned "okay okay take picture" dad said I confused why did he talked like this.

I mean he wasn't get anger when Vicky said about this "uncle it wa—-" Vicky was about to say something "Harshita click the picture" uncle said diverting topic.

"Dad" Vicky whispered but uncle didn't said anything. After picture everyone was busy in talking.

"Okay let's call it night" Neha said "I don't want to look like a zombie in morning" she said yawning everyone went to their rooms.

I was walking towards my room but saw Vicky was going inside his room i marched towards him and pushing him inside closing door behind me.

"Woah! What happen" he asked me "tell me what's going on here" i asked him crossing my arms.

"What?" He asked me "in evening i observer uncle wants to say something to my dad but you stopped him, now you want to say something to dad uncle stopped you" I asked him.

"What's all this" I asked him raising my eyebrow he pulled me to him holding my arms.

"Arshi" he called me pushing a hair strand behind my ear "I want to keep you with all myself, that's what I am about to tell your dad" he said kissing my forehead.

"I wanted to tell him about us" he said "I will respect whatever his decision at the same time I won't lose you" he said caressing my cheeks.

"Dad was about to ask uncle's opinion but I stopped him" he said "uncle and aunty know about this?" I asked him with wide eyes.

He nodded his head "but how" I asked him "everyone can tell just looking at us except your parents" he said rolling his eyes.

I hit his chest "sorry sorry" he laughed "but Vicky if my parents won't agree for us what will you do" I asked him. He smiled lift me in his arms bridal style and took me to balcony.

He sat on a chair with me in his lap I wrapped my arms around his neck "I will wait till your parents accept us" he said "but what if they won't?" I asked him.

"You always told about a plan right" he asked me i confused "If we get married they will eventually accept us and moreover mom and dad make them accept us" he said i smiled hugging him.

"So don't think about anything and just sleep" he said i nodded inhaling his collagen closing my eyes.


I hear sounds around me make me open my eyes realise I was in my bed. Mom was placing something in bed.

"You woke up, come on get ready neha needs your help" mom said I sat on bed running my fingers through my hair.

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