Chpater 27

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Arshi pov :

After talking with Vicky I stared at his book which I brought on railway station that day. I didn't get chance to finish the book so I thought to complete it now.

"I broke her heart!!she loved me unconditionally but I broke her in every way. It is for her happiness maybe she will be move on from me forgetting me.

But can I forgot her? A big no I can't just forget her and move on with my life. I will make sure she is happy with her life. If she didn't I will make anything for her happiness.

Today is going to be the last time I will meet her I don't want to disturb her anymore.

I smiled when I closed my eyes I imagine her. She has a long black hair whenever she is angry or happy tears easily fall from her beautiful eyes. When I first saw her on corridor my heart skipped a beat.

She is the one for me and I know the moment I saw her but sometimes right person met us in wrong time!!"

The page ended I frowned it didn't show any ending or giving some indication that book is finishing. I dialled Vicky he lifted the call.

"Why didn't you finish the book" I asked him "there is a second part for that didn't you seen it in last page" he said I checked and saw there is printed letters saying there is still some story left.

"Why did you plan to release two books on same plot" I asked him "is this some kind of interview" he asked me laughing I pouted "tell me" I whined "actually I want an happy ending for at least this book" he said.

His previous few books are ended with reality, which means sad endings "so why didn't you finish it in this book" I asked him "because this not some book Arshi" he said stressing words "I want to publish our story" he said "our real story" he said.

I caressed book "didn't you read it properly I wrote the book with our memories" he said "yes I felt it but didn't thought about it. I used to think there is someone else story is also related to us" I said. Really I thought this is some coincidence.

"Really Arshi" he said I bite my lower lip "so what will be the second book" I asked him out of curiosity "suspense just like our life" he said "this book only told before we met again" I said "I am on working for our second phase" he said i smiled.

"It is like some magic" I told him heard his chuckle "magic is what we humans created" he said "we talked since morning could you spare me sometime" he asked me i narrowed my eyes "I won't" I said "I will call you after sometime dad is calling me" he said and disconnected the call.

I sighed Megha sat beside me "what is Romeo and Juliet doing!" She asked me winking at me I blushed "nothing" I said "tell me" she said I told her about the book.

"Awww so cute" she said putting her cheeks between her hands looking dreamily "what a love story" she said i smiled.


Finally our home isolation completed and tested today got negative results I am so glad that finally everything fall into peace.

As Megha was left to her house to meet her parents after being away from them 14 days but I am scared of going front of my parents. These 14days I spent happily in my room but now I am scared to make eye contact with them.

I was in my room after it get sanitise with hypochlorite solution. It is 11 in the night everyone is sleeping Vicky didn't call me since evening his parents came back but he didn't.

I heard sounds from balcony I frowned and took vase from bedside table and moved towards glass door I saw a shadow.

Oh no!! Whom may it be!

Thief? Kidnapper?

Shut up Arshi, who wants to kidnap you!!

I slowly moved towards door but it opened I was about to scream a hand closed my mouth from behind and an muscular arms around my waist for stopping me struggling.

Instantly I felt this touch is familiar "shhh—-Arshi" he whispered instantly I recognised his voice.

"I am taking my hand back" he said i nodded he removed his hand away from my mouth I quickly turn around and hugged him wrapping my arms around his neck.

He buried his face in my neck "I missed you so much" he mumbled against my skin I giggled "we are behaving like some teenagers" I said he smiled "but love is same right!" He said i nodded inhaling his scent.

We stayed like few minutes I pulled back we stared at each other i cupped his cheeks in my hands pulled his face closer to me. I placed my lips on his forehead he closed his eyes wrapping his arms around my waist.


We sat in my balcony I wrapped my hand around his shoulder lean my head on his chest his arms around me. "So what's the plan" he asked me i raised my head facing him.

"You should be the one to tell me" I said he smiled and leaned towards my face placing his lips on mine. I felt butterflies in my stomach he start kissing my lips and I let him take control.

He pulled me to his lap when this kiss turns into passionate one and I let him do what he wants. I ran my hands on his hair pulled him more to me kissing him back.

I totally forgot about everything that my parents are sleeping in next room and I am daringly kissing him in my room balcony. Surprisingly it didn't made me scared in fact I felt so happy about this change.

We parted away when we are out of breath he start kissing my face and neck I closed my eyes tightly holding him close to me.

He bite on my sensitive spot make me moan we are panting so much he again kissed my lips chewing my lower lip like it is a chewing gum.

I hissed in pain when he bite my lip I tasted metallic taste realising it is a blood. I pushed him back checking my lip I touched them found blood on it.

I glared at him but he has a big proud smirk on his face I hit his chest he held my hands and put them behind me leaning on me.

Our bodies are glued to each other and I am scared that what will happen next. His eyes held so many emotions he start attacking my neck instantly my eyes closed and my lips parted away.

Slowly his lips are going down and I couldn't do anything even he left my hands and hold my hips in place. I let my fingers ran in his hair make him snuggled in my neck.

He suddenly got up with my legs wrapped around his waist he start walking inside and I felt soft mattress touched my back. What ever is going to happen I don't want to stop him.

His hands slowly found my t-shit edge he raised his head from my neck and watched my eye for sometime. I thought he may pulled it but he didn't he give a heart melting smile.

"Don't worry I won't do anything unless you are comfortable" he said kissing my fingers intertwined our hands. He kissed my forehead "what if I want you" i asked him lowering my eyes biting my lips.

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