Chapter 6

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Vikram pov :

Why I'm getting close to her again!!!!

This can't be happen

This won't be happen

If she was inch close to me I can't stop myself from opening up to her.

When I saw tears in her beautiful eyes all I want is hide her in my arms from all the pain.

I groaned ran my hands on my hair thinking about the moments we share few minutes back.

Still she is the only one who can make my heart beats fast..

She is the only one whom I can lost myself thinking about her!

She is the only one that all my feelings can be alive!!

She is the only one who can make me smile without any reason!! Heck she was the reason for my smile.

"Bro" Neha's voice bring me back saw her staring at me confusingly. She sat beside me.

We are on terrace "what are you thinking" she asked me i shook my head negatively "Arshi" she asked me i smiled nodding my head.

Neha knows about Arshi and my love for her, only for Arshi!!

"I don't know why are you so stubborn" she said "I am not stubborn Neha. Think about her parents, you know right how her dad told us about planning arshi's future" i said.

That day was supposed to be a most memorable for me but it was bitter for me.

"Do you think I'm happy knowing that she is hurt that too because of me" I asked her "I had that capability of runaway with her but what about the consequences" I asked her.

"That was a stupid reason Vikram" Neha said angrily "don't you think you are also capable for make both parents agreed for your marriage" she asked me.

"I am Neha. But what if I failed?" I asked her held my head. "Vikram there won't be success if you won't trying. You just sat here and punishing her" she said.

"Take a step forward to your future. You both will be the best pair" she said patting my shoulder left me in my thoughts.


I went to mom and dad room saw mom was folding cloths and dad was reading a book sat on bed.

I stood at door steps thinking wether should I ask them or not!

"Vikram" mom called me making me come out from my thoughts. "Why did you stop there" she asked me.

I shook my head and went inside dad put his book aside expecting me to speak something when he notice my serious expression.

"What is it Vikram" dad asked me calmly. He was a cool man we both are like friends but speaking with him about my love was like an awkward situation.

"Dad——I need to speak something important" I said straight went to point. "What is it" mom asked me with worried expression.

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