Chapter 26

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Vicky pov :

"Vicky I want to ask you something" Arshi asked me "yes" I said she silenced for sometime "umm——you know it right I had a habit of reading books" she asked me.

"Yeah!!" I said not knowing what she is asking "These days I used to read an particular book" she said "author didn't mention his details but I tried to know about him but all my attempts failed" she said i sense sadness in her voice.

"He only print his name as 'V' I really loved his stories. I felt like I am connected to the character which he wrote" she said my heart beat raised.

"I just want to confirm that——-author of the books I read and—-you are the—" I cut her off "it's me" I told her "really" she asked me excitedly.

"Yes!!its me only" I said "why did you kept this as a secret to me" she asked me i can imagine her cute pout. I smiled "you also didn't told me about your poets and feelings" I asked her.

"It—-I—-" she stammered I laughed "Arshi, I used to write because I want you know my feelings but at the same time don't" I said "I fell in love with your book you know" she said i smiled "now I got to know" I said.

"How many days" she asked me after sometime "12 days" I told her I know she is missing me as much I missing her. "You will talk with my dad right!" She asked me "promise" I said "what if he won't agree" she asked me.

Being away from her made me realise all my ethics will not workout in reality even after her dad rejected me I can't stand there silently knowing Arshi is hurt.

"I will take you away" I told her "maybe it will be painful for some days but it will settled" I said "but you told me—" I cut her off "yes I told you but being away from you make me realise it was very hard and if it didn't workout I can't live without you" I told her.

"First let me come there after that we will think something" I said she hummed in response. After talking with her sometime i settled on chair in balcony mom gave me breakfast and I ate that.

I opened Arshi dairy I know reading someone's dairy is not a good manners but I want to read it. Probably she is also reading my books. I chuckled thinking how we are.


I love you so much. I know you knew this but I am not going to stop saying these three words to you.

You are the one for me. The one who keeps me happy hurting himself. The one who fight for me with everyone. The one who is there for me if I need you.

I love you Vicky just like how the moon loves her sun. You are mine as long as I'm alive.

I can't forgot you just because you told me. My love for you will fight with anything. Even if it is destiny.

We two are hurting ourself for the sake of our parents but if we together we can change everything.

I will always wait for you. In every morning you are the first thought that came to my mind in every night I wish I could sleep in your arm——

I closed book tears formed in my eyes. Her each and every word is telling me how much she loved me and suffered because of me.

I won't give up on us arshi!!!not this time!

I dialled her number after few rings she lift the call "hello" her sweet voice make me calm I closed my eyes. "Vicky" when she said my name I felt something spark in me.

"Why didn't you hate me arshi!" I asked her there is a silence for few seconds "if I hate you for pushing me away then I need to hate myself more" she said "I need to hate my parents—-I need to hate my life" she said i sense she is crying.

"Vicky if I need to hate you then I need to hate my past but I can't do that those are the best memories for me. I don't hate you Vicky even if you leave me now" she said I started at sky.

"You pushed me because you loved me. I can't hate you Vicky just because you've rejected me because you can't! That's not your character" she mumbled in low voice.

"Those words I wrote for you is what i feel for you always and forever...I won't regret even a mili second spending time with you" she said tears rolled on my cheek.

"Idiot I love you—-when will you realise how much I loved you" she said laughing through her tears I chuckled "maybe I've done something good in my life" I said "I got you" I whispered hearing her breath.

"I am waiting!!! Come fast" she whined "I can't—-need to wait 12days more" I told her I heard her huffing I smiled.

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