Chapter 11

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Arshi pov :

I opened my eyes slowly I felt so relaxed after so many years. This is the sleep I craved for years. Peaceful sleep.

I realised that I am on top of Vicky. My head was on his chest hugging him tightly his arms were on me hugging me.

I raised my head from his chest to see him. He was sleeping like a kid, I ran my hand from his arm to his hair.

I ruffled his hair he turned our position snuggling into me. He hugged my waist put his head on my chest.

I felt butterflies in my stomach. I don't want to wake him up.

I want to capture every moment with you in my heart Vicky. Don't know when will I able to get this chance again or not!!

I find my answer today that in your arms I can get my peaceful sleep.

I hear my phone ring sound I saw caller I'd. It was harshitha? She didn't contact me since these years.

She used to be my best friend since childhood. Megha and harshitha used to be my besties.

We three create so many memories but sometimes a person can be selfish in friendship.

Harshitha done so many things to broke my love life. She wanted me to hate Vikram.

Can you betray your friend trying to snatch her love?

She does! She tried. I never told this anyone except Megha. I carried that betrayal in my heart till today.

But still I give her so many chances thinking that I may wrong in some way but every time she broke it.

I put Vicky head on pillow slowly not waking him up untangled myself from him.

I walked towards balcony closing door lifting her call.

"Hey are you" she asked me with excitement. For a second I felt tears in my eyes.

I trusted her more then anyone, I treated her like my own sister but all she could do is trying to snatch away my Vicky from me.

"I'm fine" I said in dried voice. "It's been so long since we talked" she said. How can someone behave like nothing happen in past.

Of course!! She will talk with me if there is any work with me.

"Yes" I said plainly "where are you?" She asked me "i am..." I don't know wether should I told her or not.

Because I bet she won't be happy listening this. But there is nothing to hide. "I am in Vicky's house in village" I told her.

There is a long silence "oh. Why?" She asked me plainly. "I came here for neha engagement as he insisted me to come early" I said.

"Oh I forgot you are so close to his family" she said. I hummed "I am coming to engagement he invited me" she said.

"Okay" I said we didn't spoke anything. I disconnected the call when I don't have anything to say.

I went back to room saw Vicky was still sleeping. I laid beside him staring at his handsome face.

He is sleeping like a cute kid. I push his hair away from his forehead to get a clear view of his face.

There is lot of things happen to me Vicky when you left!!!

I never told these to anyone thinking that they may judge me. I always thought that I have you so one day when we meet I want to tell those things which I cried myself from not telling anyone anything.

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