Chapter 4

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Ignore mistakes

Arshi pov :

He was watching me curiously, sweat was formed on his forehead as he wiped out hurriedly "Arshi" he groaned when he didn't get any answer from me.

"I don't have anyone" I said without any expression he sighed heavily "why are you so tensed" i asked him.

"What! I'm not" he said eating his food "you told me that you've moved on?" He asked me.

"Moving on isn't meaning that we can jump into another relationship. It means living our life with memories" I said tears formed in my eyes.

I turned away my head controlling my tears. Every memory he gives me was the best thing and I am glad that I am able to happy with him that time.


As our collage was finished my feelings for vikram isn't changed a bit. "Arshi we had a new neighbours" mom said coming into my room.

I rolled my eyes "come I'll introduced you to them" she said "mom please" I groaned but she didn't listen to me and held my hand.

As we stepped outside saw dad was talking with a man who is my dad's age. "She is Arshi our daughter" mom said.

"Hi Arshi" a women said warmly caressing my cheeks. Instantly I felt comfortable with her.

"Hi aunty" i said uncle smiled at me "she is Neha my elder daughter" aunty said then I notice a girl who was looking 2years older to me.

"Hello" she said smiling warmly I smiled back "he is Vikram our son" uncle words caught my attention.

My heart beats fastly listening this name. As he mention a guy came inside he was non other then Vikram.

He looked shocked when he saw me mirroring my expression "did you guys known each other" Neha asked us looking at our expressions.

"She is my classmate" Vikram said without broke the eye contact with me. "Wow that's nice" mom said.

"Okay we will take leave" uncle said our family left leaving us alone. "I didn't expect you here" he said "me neither" I said nervously.

He took a step closer to me making me shiver with his closeness "Arshi, you don't need to be shy around me" he said and leaned on me "I won't bite you" he said As his breath fell on my neck while his lips touched my earlobe.

I clutched my dress in my fist he moved back and walked towards his house not before winking at me.

I felt butterflies in my stomach as my cheeks heat up.

As days passing we grow closer, I become so close to his family and he was to mine.

It was raining outside evening 6 o'clock. I walked into living room for water bottle but heard my parents yells.

I moved towards their room "I won't let my daughter marry a person who is not our caste" my dad yelled on phone.

My mom was supporting him "we can't decide her future as Arshi was still 18 years old, and moreover he was not from our caste" he said and disconnected the call.

Hearing their conversation make me realise if I ever told them about my love for Vikram they will surly rejected him.

I walked back to terrace with tears in my eyes. Cool breeze was coming as rain stopped.

Suddenly I heard sounds from steps and I can tell who it is. I can sense his presence from anywhere.

"Arshi" he called me softly sat beside me on bench. I hummed looking into sky "I want to tell you something" he said.

I saw happiness and nervous in his eyes. "You know our worlds are so close to each other since our childhood" he said looking into sky.

I smiled forgetting about the talk between my parents. "I like you in our very first meet" he said.

I felt my heart was beating fastly "I really love you Arshi" he said turning towards me.

His eyes were sincere and here I'm not able to speak a word. A broad smile appeared on my lips make him smile widely.

" don't even know how much you are to me" I said felt tears formed in my eyes.

He cupped my cheeks wiping away the tears "I loved you before knowing you. Your name itself became my emotion" I said. He put his forehead on mine.

"I love y—" before I could complete I hear my name from downstairs Vikram looked at me confusingly.

"Arshi" I heard dad's voice we both ran downstairs saw dad was holding mom who is clutched her heart.

"We need to take your mom to hospital" Vikram said i nodded and helped them. He drove to hospital and doctors started their treatment.

We are in corridor waiting for to doctor come outside dad was sat there closing his eyes.

My cold hands automatically found Vikrama warm hands I put my head on his shoulder as he gripped my hand tightly.

"Don't worry nothing will happen to her" he said. His parents came to hospital talking with dad.

"She was so much happy. She was planning for Arshi's marriage in future" dad's words make Vikram's grip on my hand loosened.

I stared at him confusingly "she has nothing big dreams just want to see her daughter wedding" he said.

Slowly Vikram moved away me before I could speak doctor came outside "don't worry she was alright" he said I sighed in relief but there is something which my heart made restless.


"Arshi, let's go" Vicky clicked his finger make me snap back to reality i nodded and followed him.

We reached car saw driver was fixed the tire we sat in car with a complete silence. Since that day I don't know why did Vicky stopped talking with me.

He became distanced but closed to my parents. He done everything as my parents had a son.

He completed the absence in their life. That day was supposed to be most memorable for me but it was the bitter for me.

His reasons for leaving me was like a silly!! That he can sacrifice his love for some reason which are not at all big!!!

We still can solve those problems but he won't ever listen to me!!!

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