Chapter 7

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Arshi pov :

I met Vicky's grandparents. I know them before when they come to city but I am not close to them as I close to his parents.

I gulp the tablet sighing heavily. These pills are became my friends in night times.

As I laid on bed watching ceiling not getting sleep my thoughts again went to our memories.

Those are not just memories for me they are life.


It's been a week since we confess our feelings. But sometimes I felt Vicky was distancing himself.

He doesn't even same the Vicky whom I loved most. He stopped messaging me, he stopped calling.

It was all me who is trying. I was feelings restless about his behaviour.

I got call from Vicky that night I lift the call excitedly. "Hey" I said "hi" he said I sense that he was in deep thoughts.

"What are you doing" he asked me "thinking about us" I said with a blush. "Arshi..listen to me" he said.

"What is it" i asked him sensing that something is wrong. "We won't work Arshi" he said.

I frowned "what are you saying Vicky" I asked him. "I am saying we won't work" his words killed me.

"What" I whispered "see I don't love you anymore. I am thinking why should I act with you. Just forgot me" he said and disconnected the call.

Tears rolled on my cheeks. I didn't understand why he is saying like this suddenly.

After that day he didn't even talk with me but seeing him in front of my eyes was killing me.


I went to mom and dad room "mom, I want to see Megha. I need some change. Should I go to her home" I asked them.

Megha was my childhood bestie before she shifted to another city we used to be neighbours, and even went to same school.

"Okay" dad said smiling at me. I don't know why they agreed. Every time they will object me if I want to go another city but today they didn't oppose me.

I even leave my passion on my career, Because I can't even concentrate anything.

Slowly I used to his absence and make myself busy with my life. I start travelling around for forgetting him.

Slowly these travailing made me happy a little. But waiting for him didn't change. I still waited for his call or message about giving clarity or something.

I meet lot of people in this journey and leant about world. But none of them make me forgot Vicky and my love for him.

It's always him!!! Only him!

I start writing down my feelings and reading books particularly author Vicky's books.

First I stared reading his books because of his name but slowly I learn that he was the best author and not my Vicky.

He wrote down love stories like they are real. That feel is real. Slowly I became addiction to his books.

I tried so many times to see his face but he hide his personal life and himself.

Slowly my waiting became my habit. Daily I expect an surprise call or message from him but it doesn't happen. But I never expect that I will meet Vicky in my journey. Everything changed just like a snap.


I plug my earphones and played Justin Bieber song peaches. I love his music, I can forgot myself while listening his music.

Whole night I spent listening songs, playing games, reading books like always.

In morning I get freshen up and went to downstairs saw aunty and grandma was talking.

"Arshi, come sit with us" grandma said she was such a sweet person. I don't know grandparents love because when I born they are already died.

I sat with them I poured some tea for me "Arshi" aunty called me when I was sipping my tea "you hate tea right!" She asked me with an amused expression.

"You even teased Vikram when he drank tea" she said "actually aunty...I got used it" I said.

"Some things make us feel like we are close to that person" I whispered in a trance that I didn't notice them.

"Arshi" I came out from my thoughts when I hear aunty voice she was looking at me confusingly "it's nothing aunty. I just feel like drinking it" I said.

She smiled nodding her head after we are done aunty and grandma left to take care of some arrangements.

I walked outside of garden saw Vicky was there standing lost in his thoughts. I went towards him slowly.

Yesterday when he asked me for a talk I refused because I know what will he say. That 'forgot everything and move on' and I am tired of listening those words.

"Arshi" he called me I frowned that how he know it was me. "How you know" I asked him stand beside him.

He smiled "I can sense your presence" he said turning towards me. "I need to talk with you" he said with a serious expression.

I nodded "what if...your parents won't agree for our marriage" his words make me confuse.

"What" I asked him "what if—" I stopped him "i asked meaning" I said confusingly "will your parents accept us" he asked me.

"I don't know Vikram. But what I know was they will accept us eventually" I said he didn't said anything.

"But why did you ask" I asked him since he told me that he didn't love me and wanting me to move on.

And more over when he has a fake girlfriend whom he was trying to make me fool.

"Besides you have girlfriend right!" I asked him sarcastically. "Arshi" he groaned.

He held my shoulders make me sat on a bench "you are such a kid" he said "see things between us won't work out. I don't want to spoil your life" he said.

Tears formed in my eyes "why" I asked him "leave it" he mumbled himself. "Vicky. You are a mysterious man" I said.

"You don't even clarity about your feelings and telling me that you'll spoil my life. What is there to spoil it Vicky" I asked him angrily.

"Loving a person means, we are ready to accept everything. The pain, the happiness, the sacrifice, everything. And I am ready to face anything" I shouted.

"You don't know me Vicky. You never tried to know me" I said and ran inside crying myself.

Maybe I shouldn't realise my love for him!

I shouldn't try to see him, I shouldn't talk with me!!!

But all these years my love for him grow more and more!!!!

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