Chapter 14

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Arshi pov :

I felt so relieved after telling vicky about that man!!

I stared at Vicky who is lost in his thoughts. He held my hand tightly as I laid on bed him beside me sat on a chair.

I ruffled his hand with another hand make him come to sense he looked at me "what are you thinking" I asked him.

"If I wouldn't left, you wouldn't face this situation right!" He said his eyes looked pained.

"Maybe yes!" I said "but now you are here" I said tightening my grip on his hand "for make peace for me right!" I asked him.

"Promise" he said kissing my hand. "I won't ever leave you" he said. "What does that mean" I asked him. He smiled "it means—-what you waited for these years it will come back to you. I will tell you in evening about this" he said.

"Now take rest" he said cover me with blanket "sleep" he said kissing my forehead and left the room.

"what you waited for these years it will come back to you" his words make my hopes get alive! But—-is he really meant what he said?


I woke up from my small disturbing nap and fresh n up. I talked with Megha sometime telling her about today.

I had a habit of telling her what happen in my day she also did that. We both are like a twins.

I saw time it was six o'clock in evening. I felt so restless remembering Vicky words.

"Maybe he will come back" Megha said excitedly "or not" I said she sighed heavily "stop imaging yourself and go" she said i smiled and disconnected the call.

I walked outside looking for vicky I came across with Neha "Arshi, how are you" she asked me caressing my cheeks "I was coming for you, here drink this" she said giving me milk.

"Neha, I'm fine. Where is vicky" I asked her "first drink this milk Arshi" aunty said coming towards me.

"Vikram told us to take care of you while he was gone out" she said i looked at her confusingly "he went to function hall with his dad" aunty said.

I felt disappointed "when did he will be come back?" I asked them they both laughed "you two can't stay away from each other" Neha said I blushed.

"He called me 10 times in since he was gone asking me about you" Neha said "if you don't drink this milk he will kill me" she said I laughed and took glass from her.

"Good. Now go and take rest, if he come back we will inform you" aunty said "no need to inform mom. He will directly go to her" Neha said winking at me.

My eyes widened I walked back to my room blushing hardly. A happy smile playing on my lips.

I went to my room balcony sat on chair looking outside drinking my milk. I got phone call from Vicky.

"Hello" I said "did you drank your milk" he asked me "yep drinking" I said gulping last sip. "Good girl" he said "whatever" I said rolling my eyes.

"Where are you. I was looking for you" I asked him "I came to function hall to check everything is okay or not. And Neha's in-law's are coming tomorrow morning so need to check their staying" he said.

He sounded so tired "hmm" i hummed in response "vicky" I called him he hummed "mom and dad are coming today evening" I said feeling restless about that.

"Don't worry. I told you na I will make everything right. I will do it" he said I closed my eyes enjoying cool breeze.

"Talk with your mom about her opinion. I will manage everything" he said. I know what he is talking but I want him to say those words directly.

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