Chapter 24

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Arshi pov :

I woke up in middle of the night with lot of throat pain I check time it was 3 o'clock in the midnight. I felt my stomach growled in hunger.

How pathetic it is that my mom didn't even give me my dinner. I got up from my bed feeling body pains are getting worse I really should visit doctor.

I went to kitchen saw everything was empty I opened fridge but didn't find anything for eat. I sighed and opened cupboard saw maggi packet.

Instantly my mouth start watering I haven't eat maggi since so many days I hurriedly grab vessel and start making Maggi.

I served hot maggi on plate and start eating I saw Vicky is online so I video called him he instantly pick it up.

"What's with video call today" he asked me winking at me I rolled my eyes "if you don't want it's okay" I said shrugging off my shoulders.

"I am just kidding girl" he groaned I laughed "what are you doing?" I asked him raising my eyebrow "didn't get sleep" he said "me too" I told him.

While eating maggi I didn't find any taste it's like I am eating something tasteless food. "I didn't find taste" I told him he frowned.

"What about smell?" He asked me worriedly I know what he meant I immediately smell but it didn't came. "No" I shook my head negatively he sighed.

"You know right what you need to do" he asked me i nodded "I am also having symptoms" he said "what about others?" I asked him "don't know yet" he said i nodded my head.

"Okay I will inform you after covid results" I told him he nodded I disconnected the call. I didn't like to eat something which makes me test like nothing.

I went to my room fall on bed watching ceiling. I sighed I need to tell about this to mom and dad.

In morning I wear mask and went downstairs dad looked at me confusingly "what happen—are you going somewhere?" He asked mom served him tiffin.

"No dad—-I am having covid symptoms" I told him mom gasped "oh no—don't tell this to anyone" she said I frowned "why?" I asked her. "What will they think" she said.

"Mom it's not a crime to hide and moreover we need to be open in this matter everyone needs to know" I told her "besides it wasn't confirm yet! I am going for test it will be great if you two also do this" I told them they agreed and came with me.

We give samples and came back to home i straight went to my room and told Vicky about this they also give samples today just like us.

"If it's came positive then we can't meet until 14 days" I said pouting he laughed "so that doesn't change anything right!" He said i hummed in response.

"Girl!!!are you freaking serious!!" Megha burst into my room asking me I rolled my eyes I disconnected Vicky call and maintain some social distance between me and Megha.

"It didn't confirm yet!" I told her just then my phone buzzed with message i opened it saw my test results were positive. "See" I showed her putting phone front of her.

Her eyes widened mom and dad came standing outside of my room wearing mask "we tested negative" mom said "I tested positive" I told them now we are looking at Megha "you should also take test" I told her.

She sighed "what about Vicky" she asked me i shrugged "let me ask them" dad said and dialled to Vicky's dad. "Okay then take care" dad disconnected the call.

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