Chapter 16

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Vicky pov :

"Ms.Arshi, I want to tell you something" I said she smiled brightly "yes Mr.Vikram" she said.

She makes me fall for her every time. She only has that magic to make me fall for her again and again!

I just wanted to keep her with me only showing all my love for her. I don't want to think about anything that will disturb our present and her happiness.

Her happiness is all I want, her smile.

"I lov—-" before I could say these words we hear a voice. I saw arshi's dad who is coming towards us.

"What are you guys doing here. Come finish your dinner you can talk later" he said smiling at us.

But Arshi face was full scared like he heard our conversation but I don't think so because if he does he wouldn't be this calm.

"Go inside Arshi" he said she nodded her head silently and left inside. "Come on Vicky" he said i nodded we also went inside.

After dinner everyone went to their respected rooms for sleep. I sat in garden "hey" Arshi came and sat beside me.

"What are you doing" she asked me "sleep is far away" I said "it's not your engagement Vicky. Neha should be tensed but looking like you both siblings reveres" she said.

We spend our time talking about things and laughed our whole heartedly. I didn't realise that it's been an hour since we came here.

"Arshi, let's go inside" I said getting up it was 10 minutes to 12 o'clock. "What's so hurry" she asked pouting.

"It's late" I said held her hand make her stand up "come on" I told her and about to walk she held my hands make me stop.

"Stay few more minutes" she said I narrowed my eyes. "Don't tell me you planned something for my birthday because you know I hate it" I said she smiled sheepishly.

"Arshi" i groaned, I don't really like celebrating my birthday don't ask why because I also don't know.

Maybe I'm bored of get surprised every year with same type of gifts and I need to act like I don't know about my own birthday.

Come on who will forget their own freaking birthday. I was fed up with those things and I stopped celebrating.

"I didn't plan anything" she said shrugging of her shoulder "don't lie to me" I told her.

She held my collar pulling me to her "do you think I am lying" she asked me her lips are inch towards mine.

When she was speaking her soft rose lips are touching me and making me to loss control over me.

My hands automatically went to her waist "huh! Tell me" she asked me "if yes then you are wrong" she said i frowned.

"Because I planned" she shouted and moved back. When she whistled I hear crackers sound I raised my head saw sky.

"Happy birthday Vicky" she shouted falling on my that makes me lose my balance and we both fell on ground.

She was top of me laughing happily "happy birthday" she said kissing my cheeks I smiled.

I felt so happy this time!!!

"Why i am happy this time, with your surprise" I asked her she smiled "because you didn't expect this type of wishes that too from me" she said.

"And I told you that I planned something for your birthday" she said i smiled "thanks" I said she put her forehead on mine. "Come let's go inside" she said getting up.

I held her hand pulled her make her to fall on me "Vicky" she gasped and got up blushing hardly.

"Where is my gift" i asked her she blushed and stood tiptoe pecking my lips i pouted "it's not a proper way" I told her.

Before I move further I hear wishes from behind I turn around saw our family was coming holding a cake.

"Happy birthday vicky" they wished me i smiled. "Come let's cut the cake" Neha said.

They placed cake on table I cut the cake and fed first piece to mom. After that I fed everyone.

"It's time for family photo" Harshita said we are all gathered and took photo. Next picture with my family. Mom and dad stand beside me along with Neha.

Grandpa and grandma stand another side of me I saw Arshi was with her parents "come on smile" Harshita said "one second" I told her.

"What happen" she asked me i went towards Arshi held her hand she looked at me confusingly.

"Come" I told her and took her with me make her stand beside me. "But Vicky this is your family picture" arshi's dad said.

I wrapped my arms around my family "this is completed family picture for me uncle" I told him making everyone shocked.

"With Arshi I feel my family completed" I said "maybe she is close to you" arshi's mom said smiling awkwardly.

"No aunty. She isn't close to us" I said "she is part of this family, my life" I told them. Everyone gasped I felt Arshi stiffened I was watching her parents who is silent looking at me shockingly.

I decided that I should tell them but what ever their decision I will respect but at the same time I won't lose Arshi!!

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