Chapter 25

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Vicky pov :

After talking with Arshi i laid on bed I am staying in her room which she stayed few days here as dad took my room we three are staying in different rooms as isolation.

I felt something on under pillow I saw arshi dairy laying I think she forgot here. I was about to put it away but stopped when my eyes caught my name on the page.

I move my eyes closer and saw a poem was written. She used to write poems back in our collage days.


When you touched me for the first time I forget about everything. The second you pulled me into your warm, secure arms, I decided to fight for you.

The second your lips met mine I felt current passing through all my nerves. You don't even need to touch me for make me feel like this. Your voice or smile just enough.

Your all habits became mine. Your favourites became mine. In past I would hate if anyone does something like this, changing their habits but I found my happiness in this. I didn't even regret for this.

Day by day, second by second I am becoming YOU. And I am scared that you won't like me because I am changing myself for you.

Am I stupid!!!!

When I finish reading I felt tears formed in my eyes I saw date was showing 1 year back. I felt so much guilt and pain as knowing how she lived loving only me.

She isn't try to change her mind or move on from me after all I created so much pain to her. She waited for me till now and still waiting for me.

Wish I could go back to our past and erase all those horrible memories and make happy memories with her but those are the best memories to remind how much she loved me.

If we didn't affect with covid I would run to her and hug her apologies for putting her in pain. But I need to wait for 14days.

I got call from my friend Viswa he is the doctor who checked up arshi when she had panic attacks. "Hello buddy! How are you" he asked me as I lifted the call.

"I am fine" I told him "make sure uncle check his oxygen in oximeter it is important" he said. "Yeah sure" I said.

"How is Arshi" he asked me i smiled hearing her name "she is fine" I told him. He knows about me and Arshi he is the only person I could trust blindly.

We are buddies since childhood in collage he choose doctor field as he interested and I choose business. "why are stopped writing book" he asked me.

"I don't feel like" I told him I used to write books to busy myself from Arshi thoughts at the same point I didn't anyone to know my name so I kept my details secret.

I only wrote books to pour all my love for Arshi in that books and I succeeded after writing my feelings I felt relieved a bit that day.

"Dude you are an amazing writer don't stop it" he said "I am sure Arshi is already starting loving that author 'V' as she had habit of reading books" he said I frowned "how do you" I asked him because Arshi didn't talk with him.

"Bro did you forgot we are all from same intermediate collage I know her in collage but she didn't know me at all. Moreover Meghna told me this" he said his words caught my attention.

"You know Meghna?" I asked him "I mean we are in contact but not so close she told me when I came to neha engagement" he said casually I smiled.

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