Chapter 31

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Vikram pov :

I left to my house closing door sitting on bed holding my head in my hands tears rolled on my cheeks.

She has her reasons to leave me but—-will I able to live without her?

I promised her that I won't leave her again but why I am making it so complicated instead of sitting with her father and talked sorting out!!!

"Arghhhh!!!!" I groaned as I felt hand on my shoulder I turn around saw neha who is in tears. "Why are you doing this Vicky" she asked me.

"I don't want her to choose me over her parents" I told her she sat beside me "Vicky—-you can still make them convince" she said i shook my head negatively.

"I don't want them to convince and accept us—-I want them to realise and accept us" I told her "that is impossible" I whispered.

"What will you do know" she asked me I shrugged off my shoulders "don't know" I told her "she probably won't come for me" I said getting up from bed.

I took my bike keys and left to somewhere that no one could ever found me....

Arshi pov :

I looked at my dad who is lost in his thoughts "dad when will you realise" I asked him "he left you again" mom said.

"He left me because he doesn't want to choose him over you guys" I shouted "can't you see his love for me in his every sacrifice" I asked them.

"What is wrong in two people wanting each other" I cried "he left me in past hoping I won't come for him but now he is expecting me to come for him" I said wiping off my tears.

"And I am doing it" I said dad looked at me and hold my hand preventing me to not run away. "Please dad let me go" I asked him tears are rolling on my cheeks.

"This society will forgot what I done in few days but can you forgot what you do to your daughter?" I asked him.

He silenced "you both failed as parents till now but I know there is love in you behind all these things you've done to me" I said wiping my tears.

"If I won't able to marry Vikram then I don't marry anyone else and stays as his lover Instead of your daughter" I said he left my hand which made me shock.

I watched at him with wide eyes "go" he whispered looking at me with teary eyes. Mom came and stand beside him "I can't do what my father done with me" he said.

"I don't want you to be like the girl your dad loved once" mom said tears rolled on her cheeks. "We realise and willingly set you free" dad said placing his hand on my head.

I smiled looked at Megha she smiled hugged me "go don't miss him" she said i nodded and ran outside towards his house.

When I enter inside I saw neha, aunty, uncle is discussing something I didn't found Vicky here. "He left" neha said with teary eyes.

I stood there not knowing where he left neha came towards me "you know right where to find him" she asked me smilingly.

I nodded smiling at her "take this" she said handing me over her car keys I took them from her "thank you" i told her and ran outside.

I settled in car putting seatbelt and start the engine I stopped car at our spot but didn't found anyone near our bench I heard my phone ring. I saw caller Id it is Vicky.

I lift the call immediately "hello!" I said didn't hear any response from his side.

"Are you——where are you" he managed to ask me "where you left me" I said "in our spot?" He asked me i hummed.

"Will you—-wait for me" he asked me "always" I said disconnecting the call sobbing hardly.

After few minutes I heard bike sound I didn't turn around knowing it is Vicky. I heard his foot steps but stopped right behind me.

I am watching the sunset fresh tear rolled on my cheek "why are you stopping there" i asked him.

"You tell me why?" he asked me "maybe you want me to recognise you" i said.

"Have you ever heard of thorn bird story" I asked him "no" he said still we aren't looking at each other just watching sunset.

"Thorn bird sing only once in their lives and when they leave the nest they look for one thing with all their being. Do you know what is it?" I asked him "what is it" he asked me.

"Thorny bush. When they find one, they perch on the most pointed thorn. Their songs becomes intense with increasing pain" I said fresh tear rolled on my cheek.

"And it's said that even god hear their song and lose themselves in it. They love their song...something that's more important than their life——they lives so that they can die in love someday" I said getting up.

I turn around saw him who has red puffy eyes and messed hair "just like god listened their song—" I said walking towards him "our family also listened our love" I said stopped few steps away from him........

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