Chapter 23

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Arshi pov :

I looked at door horrifiedly Vicky shook me "why are you looking scared" he asked me "what if my dad see us alone" I told him he rolled his eyes.

"What will happen!" He asked "Vicky! You can't take it as nothing he will definitely kill me" I told him he sighed.

We hear sounds coming from window I looked at Vicky confusingly he also mirrored my expression. Suddenly window opened "hey you idiot give me a hand" megha said climbing inside.

My eyes widened in shock soon Vicky reached her helping her to get inside. Thank god it was a ground floor so it didn't risk.

"What are you doing" I asked her she glared at me "I don't know how many times I need to save you" she said rolling her eyes.

"Shut up" I scolded her "I saw your dad was coming towards you neha messaged me here situation so I ran here to make it up" she said suddenly door burst open.

Dad looked at us with suspicious expression neha stood beside him scared but when she saw Megha she relaxed.

"See I told you uncle Megha is also here I got phone from my in-laws so I excused myself" Neha said. My dad nodded in agreement.

"Come let's go" he said i nodded and followed him I glanced at Vicky he smiled assuringly but I am restless.


We are at railway station Vicky dropped us and we are waited for our train. "Okay then we should leave" dad said to Vicky. Today I felt different in their behaviour.

Like they are fighting for something which made them so formal I looked over at Vicky he smiled at my dad confidently.

How he got this much courage!!

I mentally rolled my eyes mom and dad seated in their seats me and Megha was standing in platform. I don't want to leave but I don't have any other choices.

I looked over at Vicky he was already staring at me "I am going" I said tears formed in my eyes.

I wanted him to say 'don't' but I am not getting my answer probably he was also wanting same as me.

"Okay" he said but there is so much emotion in his voice I can sense this. "Arshi—I will manage them" Megha said pointing at my parents from window they are busy in their talks.

She left towards them I don't know why those words struck in my throat "do you——want to say something" he asked me i nodded my head smiling at him.

This time we both know that we fall for each other again but didn't get chance to confess. Maybe it is what love, can't put in words but other person will know that!!

"Arshi" Megha signalled me to get in train i nodded and walked towards train. I don't know what took over me but I felt so confident.

I turn back saw Vicky was watching me i ran towards him hugging him he bounced back a little but stabled.

I wrapped my arms around his neck his hands around me i buried my face in his neck I raised my face a little closing my eyes. I felt every inch of his body was stiffened and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

I don't care about the fact everyone is watching us or my parents would see us. I just want him to know my love nothing else is matter to me. I am not scared of anyone if Vicky is with me.

"I LOVE YOU" I said as I felt him taking deep breaths. I placed a soft kiss on his neck "I will always love you" I said before moving back saw his happy smile and a bright face.

I smiled and ran back to train soon it start moving I watched Vicky waving at me I waved back a big smile formed on my lips I watched him disappeared in crowed.

"Wow babe you rocked" Megha hugged me I moved inside "I don't know you are that brave" she said pulling back "do you think your parents saw you guys?" She asked me.

I shrugged "I don't care about anything now the only matter is Vicky, I told him finally" I said she smiled.

"Come let's go" she said we walked towards our seat saw my parents are casually sat. Dad is watching something on his phone and my mom is reading a book.

I sat on my place watching outside from window.

It is 5 in the evening when we reached our house Megha's dad came to railway station for picking her.

I opened my room door inhaling deeply I shut the door and placed my luggage bag aside fall on bed. After so many months I felt comfy in my bed.

I smiled hugging my pillow I felt a little headache but soon it fade away when I fall in deep slumber.


I groaned when my phone ringtone disturbed my beauty sleep I attend the call without seeing caller Id.

"Hey idiot—can't you inform me about your whereabouts" he said i smiled opening my eyes yawning. "Sorry I fall asleep" I said sat up.

I heard Vicky chuckle "did you eat anything" he asked me i hummed I felt body aches but I pushed that thought aside.

Instantly I heard his sneeze "looks like someone caught cold" I said "yeah I felt body pains" he said I frowned. "Why we both are having body pains" I asked him.

"Throughout we didn't done anything yet!" He said mischievously I blushed "shut up" I scolded him hearing his laugh.

"Maybe we are tired" he reasoned out i hummed "go and get fresh up" he said "yeah" I said "I am coming in two days" he said I felt relieved knowing his arrival.

"Dad is thinking to start marriage preparations from there" he said "and moreover we also have to discuss things with your dad" he said i hummed not knowing what to say.

I felt like something is wrong with my health I feel my body is burning I didn't concentrate on Vicky words.

"Vicky I think I am having fever" I told him walking upto my cupboard pulling out medicines "you need to see doctor" he said.

I pulled out Dolo 650 tablet and swallowed it "I took tablet I should wait till morning" I told him.

"Better you visit" he said i smiled "by the way you didn't give me a chance to express my feelings to you" he said i smiled.

"You have lifetime with me Mr." I said "haha very funny" he said I can imagine him rolling his eyes.

"You are so cute" I teased "I am hot" he said I laughed "Vicky shut up" I fall on bed. I felt my eyelids are closing still on phone with Vicky.

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