Chapter 13

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Arshi pov :

I opened my blurry eyes trying to adjust light. My vision get cleared saw Vicky was talking with someone.

"She got panic attack let her take rest and avoid what causes her this" a man said he is looking Vicky's age.

"Thanks buddy" Vicky said that man nodded and saw me "she woke up" he said Vicky eyes immediately met mine.

"I will take my leave now. Call me if it is an emergency" he said patting Vicky's shoulder before leaving.

I try to got up Vicky came by my side help me to sit properly. "What happen" i asked him.

He didn't speak anything but adjusting pillows behind me for me to leaning on bed "Vicky" I called him.

He was about to walk away I held his hand "won't you talk to me" I asked him. He sighed heavily grabbing a chair sat front of me.

"Why didn't you told me about your panic attacks" he asked me I lowered my eyes "why?" He asked me "I thought you may le—" "you think I may leave you" he said angrily.

"Why are you thinking that I will leave you for every single thing Arshi" he asked me "Arshi—I told you this before and I am again telling you. In past I may left you but not now" he said holding my hand.

"Before also I left you because I want you to live your life happily but you are not happy with you life. There is no point for me to leave you knowing about you" he said.

"I want you to happy Arshi. That's why I left you in past but what ever happen now I won't leave you. Even if you want I won't go away" he said.

"I know something is wrong with Santhosh, the moment he came I observed you" he said I raised my glassy eyes to look at him.

He clenched his jaw looking very angry but he softened when he saw tears in my eyes.

He cupped my cheeks "what happen" he asked me caressing my cheeks. "He is not a good man Vicky" I cried clutching his collar fearing of he will leaving me.

He immediately hugged me rubbing my back I cried out loud which I hold these past years.

"Vicky—-that—that man" I couldn't able to speak when sobs are escaping from my throat. I felt my eyes are burning when continuesly tears are flowing out.

Vikram pov :

"Vicky—-that—that man" she couldn't complete as sob came out. I felt my shirt wetted with her tears.

"He—he" she cried I held her tightly. I want to kill that man for making my Arshi cry.

I don't know what he does but I want him to suffer very badly. He need to repent for her every drop of tear.

"What happen Arshi" i asked her calmly not showing my anger.

"Don't leave me Vicky" she said hugging me tightly. "Don't think wrongly about me. I never done anything wrong" she said.

"Arshi.....shhhh—-I'm here" I assured her After sometime she calmed down I kissed her forehead "I'm here. I'm not going to leave you" I said pulling back.

I wiped her tears she closed her eye "look at me" I said she did what I told. Her eyes were bloodshot red.

"Calm down" i said getting up for water but she held my hand "don't go" she asked me clutching my hand tightly.

"I am not going anywhere" I told her taking water bottle from beside table pouting water in a glass.

I give it to her she drank it without taking her eyes of me. After she drank I put the glass on table.

"I want to tell this morning it self" she said "but I am afraid of what you will think of me" she said fresh tear slipped from her eyes.

I sat beside her wiping her tear wrapping my hand around her shoulder she snuggled in to me.

"I won't ever judge you Arshi. I trust you" I told her she hummed in response. Silence fall between us.

I don't pressure her to tell me if she doesn't want. "When you left me—" she said but clinched at that word.

"Harshitha introduced me to Santhosh" she said i hummed asking her to continue. "I don't really like to talk with him. His talks and looks made me uncomfortable" she said.

"He used to call me everyday disturb me. I want to tell this harshitha but she never listen to me" she said.

"One day—-when mom and dad wasn't in home..harshitha came along with Santhosh" she said clutching my hand tightly.

"They are In my house about 2 hours. But suddenly harshitha wants to go her home as her mother called. Santhosh doesn't want to go along with her" she said.

"And—-she left me alone with him without listening to me" she cried "he start talking with me nicely in first but slowly he start coming closer to me sat beside me" she said with shaking voice.

"He told me that he has feelings for me and wanted to hav—" she cried loudly before finishing her words.

I clenched my jaw in anger "i immediately slapped him but he held my hands making my bangles break and blood coming out—-but all thanks to Megha she came before he could do anything she held his collar and throw him out" she said hugging me tightly.

"I am so scared Vicky. He start misbehaving with me in phone calls or messages" she said "Megha and I told this to harshitha she doesn't believe me and ignore me" she said.

"But he does this with another friend of harshitha she believe her and broke up with him" she said crying loudly.

"Why don't you tell me this" I asked her "I tried. I called you for so many times but you never let me speak this with you and I even came to your house that day but you shout at me" she said I felt pain in my chest.

That day I didn't meant to shout at her. But I had an issue with my studies and she came that time I was so frustrated and I show my anger on her.

"I am so sorry Arshi" I told her make her look at me "I don't know why did I left you like that. But I will fix this now" I said and got up.

"I will make sure he will suffer" I said angrily clutching my fist but she held my hand "no don't" she said getting up.

"Why?" I asked her "everyone thinks it will my fault" she said with teary eyes. "all these years you never told this to anyone why? Because you think they will judge you right! Then you are wrong Arshi" I told her.

"No Vicky they will judge me only because I am girl" she said "so, you have self respect right. Just because he is a men doesn't give him that right to do anything he wants" I said.

She stared at me "I can't sit silently after knowing what he did to you" I said gritting my teeth.

Arshi hugged me "Vicky, you are in angry now. Please Neha engagement was in few days don't spoil everything" she said.

"Please for my sake" she cried I sighed and hugged her tightly "shhh....don't cry" I told her.

Santhosh....I will make you pay for every tear of my Arshi!!!!

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