Yin and Yang

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We were the first ones that made it back to Untouched. We decided to make camp in front of the ruins we all met up at. I was really excited to show Mani what I could do. Jason and Lauren taught me so much – me more than what I already knew. There were things about the abilities I already had that could be perfected, and they were. I could only imagine their power when Mani was near me.

"Brought some Atlantean water pales with me before we left," Jason said. "I'm going to go fill them up. Shouldn't take me too long."

I smiled and nodded his way before he disappeared into the forest. Lauren came up next to me before placing some broken wood down for the fire.

"So," she began, "you and Jason, huh?"

I chuckled as I tightened the rope to secure me and Mani's tent, bending a rock formation against it to keep it steady against the wind.

"Yeah," I smiled. "Years ago. He's a great man...and an even greater king. It means a lot that he left his entire kingdom just to help me."

"I was told stories of Atlantis and its people when I was a little girl," Lauren said. "They're loyal to any and all. They view their society as one that helps and cultivates. It's in his nature to help. I wouldn't be surprised if he and Victoria have their army preparing as we speak."

I sat on the ground as Lauren sat next to me.

"I wouldn't put it passed him, either," I said.

"And Luke and Normani..." Lauren said.

"Yes. They were arranged to marry as well. I personally think there's more to him than what meets the eye."

"You're right," a voice sounded from behind me.

I turned around and saw Mani smiling at me. I beamed with joy before getting up and bringing her close to me, kissing her before our foreheads touched.

Lauren smiled before getting up.

"I'll leave you two be," she said before walking off.

We nodded before watching her disappear into the forest. Now it was just us. We sat down in front of our tent before she melted into my body, me welcoming it by wrapping my arm around her.

"I'm right, huh?" I asked.

"You are," she giggled. "Luke is a Tamaska. My brother and I heard tales about them when we were kids. They're the most powerful warriors of the Upside-down."

"Tamaska..." I thought aloud, "...isn't that a wolf?"

"It is," she smiled. "His wolf form is magnificent, Dinah. His veins are filled with fire, and his eyes glow red. His primal instincts didn't recognize me at first, but after some time, he adapted to me. He's our protector."

I smiled before bringing some hair out of her face.

"So, I take it training went well?" I asked.

"Very well," she smirked.

She brought her hand up as her eyes began to glow a bright yellow. Sparks shot out from her fingertips onto the broken wood in front of us before she bended them into burning fire.

"Oh my gosh," I beamed. "How did you-"

"Luke and I played in an active volcano," she smiled. "Show me what you can do!"

I smiled before banging my fist into the ground. The earth beneath us cracked before I raised my hand, rock formations forming around the fire as a result. I looked at Mani and was tickled at the wonder in her eyes.

"What else can you do?" she asked excitedly.

I smiled before helping her to her feet.

"Come with me to the ocean and you'll see," I said.

~Listen while you read: "Tidal - Instrumental Version" by Imogen Heap~

She took my hand before we walked to the shore. The water was calm. Her and I looked out onto the scenery, taking everything in.

"I always imagined us living in a place like this, you know?" I said.

"By the water?" she asked, her hand still in mine,

"Yeah. Our kingdom would look out onto the sea...it would be our little getaway spot."

She smiled as I held her from behind.

"This would be a beautiful place to have a family," she uttered. "Just as long as there's some kind of volcano nearby."

I chuckled before stealing a kiss from her. As she kissed me back, I bended the waves to bring us out into the water. I couldn't help but laugh at her squeal when she suddenly felt water all around her. She laughed against my lips as she held on tight to me.

"You're alright, babe," I chuckled. "I got you."

She rubbed her nose against mine before letting go and floating. I was struck with an idea as I watched her. I bended the earth below me to rise up, cutting away pieces of it until I was able to form a board. I brought Mani over to me with the rise of my hands, bending the water to carry her over to where I was. She glided onto the board before wrapping her arms around me.

"We're about to go surfing, aren't we?" she smiled.

"Oh, baby girl..." I teased, "...you haven't really gone surfing unless you've done it with me..."

I brought my arms up before a giant wave formed beneath our board. It rose and fell with the movement of my arms as we surfed out further into the sea. Mani squealed before giggling her heart out.

"I think I know a way to make us go a little faster," she said.

I looked at her before she waved her arms, causing the wind to whisk us away further into the sea. She continued her movements as an air funnel formed behind us, causing our board to glide along the water faster than ever. I laughed in astonishment as she joined in. I mimicked her movements, causing a water funnel to form beneath us. We circled around each other, causing the wind to pick up and the water beneath us to rise.

Before we knew it, we were in the clouds. I stopped moving just to look at how beautiful she was – her eyes were greyed out, but they sparkled under the sun. Her smile was ever present as she continued to manipulate the air around us. I took a hold of her hand and brought her body to mine. Her shining eyes looked up at me, and all I could do was kiss her. The kiss was so soothing and calm. The waters slowly brought us back down to our board, me laying on my back as she laid on top of me. It wasn't until our kiss ended that her eyes went back to their mocha color.

"So that's what else you can do," she uttered against my lips.

I chuckled before tracing her lips with my thumb.

"Being with you makes it so much easier," I said.

Her and I stayed like this for a while, watching the sun set as dusk greeted us. I manipulated our board to stretch into a walkway back to the shore, Mani and I taking our time to get back to everyone else. The full moon greeted us as we made our way back to camp. I looked down at our betrothal rings and smiled, thinking of how far Mani and I had come since this journey started. I owed her a proper wedding – one where both of our families and all of our friends could witness our undying love for each other.

"When the time is right," she said to me, "our wedding will be everything we dreamt it to be."

I smiled as she brought me in for a kiss. Luck had nothing to do with our union...it was fate that brought us together...and it'll be faith that keeps us together...

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