Old Flames (I): Bordeaux, France

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(Listen while you read: "Svalbard" by Julyan Brynn)


It felt so surreal to be back home. This cave was just how we left it. I saw the grey clouds peaking through the closer we got to the opening, and once I heard Lafayette's barking, a smile spread on my face. I emerged from the cave first, and my family's dog came rushing over. I couldn't help the laugh that escaped my lips as I got on my knees and accepted his greeting.

"Hé toi!" I giggled as he licked my palms "Je vous ai manqué!"

While at first I never really had a soft spot for him, what I said was true. I did miss him, even if at times he was a little annoying. He saw Lealia come up behind me and got even more excited. They both began to play before I heard the scuffle of feet. I looked up the hill and saw my little brother, who by the looks of it, wasn't so little anymore. His face lit up as he ran towards me, me doing the same before he engulfed me in a hug.

"I was so worried about you," he whispered as he hugged me tighter. "We thought we were gonna have to send out a search party looking for you."

"I'm fine," I giggled as I caressed his face. "Look at you! You're becoming a man already!"

Lamarr laughed bashfully before setting his sights on Dinah. I looked to her as well with a proud smile as she took my hand, bowing her head meekly toward my brother before speaking.

"Hi," she said, smiling at him. "I take it you're the little brother."

"Y-yeah..." Lamarr stammered, his eyes never leaving hers as he became hypnotized by her every move. 

I thought nothing of it, seeing that Lamarr's a young man, so any beautiful woman he sees will cause him to go googly-eyed. I smirked back at him and slightly nudged him with my foot.

"Easy baby brother. I know she's gorgeous but she's already taken."

Lamarr finally noticed me and Dinah's joined hands and looked back to me with wide eyes.

"Wait..." he said, "...she's with...you two are-"

"I hope our relationship doesn't offend you," Dinah said shyly. "I love your sister very much. And I vow to make her very happy."

"Wow... so now I have two sisters...well welcome to the family!"

Lamarr hugged Dinah and I internally breathed a sigh of relief. Maybe revealing my relationship with Dinah to my family would be easier than I thought.

"You know you're still gonna have to explain to mom and dad about this right?" Lamarr asked me as we all walked back to my home. "Oh my gosh what is that!?"

I looked back and laughed as Nala playfully nudged Lamarr, wanting him to play with her. Dinah looked back and giggled while shaking her head.

"That's my Nala," she said. "She likes making new friends."

Lamarr smiled and began to pet Nala behind her ear, and sure enough, Nala snuggled her face into his hands. She had him wrapped around her paw already. I smiled at the interaction, taking this as a very good sign. I looked behind me and Lealia was right there to nudge her nose in my cheek, me petting her head before finding Lafayette prancing beside us.

"Lamarr," I asked, "do you think they'll be upset about me and Dinah's relationship?"

"Why would you think that?" he asked in response.

"You know how they are baby brother. They're big on keeping the family legacy going through each generation. Me being with Dinah won't necessarily guarantee that we'll have a child of our own...at least not in the traditional way..."

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