Meetings with Closure

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"It's not that much farther ladies."

Mani and I walked hand in hand, following Immi to the Heaps' house where I'm sure everyone was waiting for us to arrive. During our walk, we learned a lot about her. She's very...quirky. Just like Nala. Her English accent makes her seem more dignified than how she really is, but I personally think that adds to her cute personality. And it turns out, she has a loved one of her own. Ella. They've been together for about as long as Lauren and Ty have been together. And they have a baby girl being safely delivered to them by a lovely couple from another world. Her name's Florence, but when she was born, she apparently responded well with the nickname Scout. Mani and I can't wait to see her.

"Babies are honestly the cutest," I said, playing with Mani's fingers.

She looked up at me and smiled warmly. "I agree. I loved baby sitting back home. It was honestly the most fun I've had besides playing in the yard with Lealia."

"I have enough siblings and cousins to make up your entire kingdom," I joked, earning a cute giggle from the dark skinned woman.

"I would love to meet them one day," she said.

"And I would love to meet your family too," I replied with a smile. 

The three of us soon came to a stop, Mani and I beholding the scenery before us as Immi looked on with proud eyes. There was slightly heavy fog surrounding a huge tree. There was a light coming from the top, as well as little silhouettes of people surrounding it. Further down the tree's trunk were individual huts, some for the family who lived here, and the others, I assume, were for guests. I've never seen a home this enchanting before.  

"Here we are ladies," Immi said, looking back to us with a warm smile

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"Here we are ladies," Immi said, looking back to us with a warm smile. "Hurry on now. We mustn't keep everyone waiting."

Suddenly, Immi turned back into her spirit form, fluffing out her wings as an indication for me and Mani to get on her back. With wide smiles, we both hopped on, giggling uncontrollably when she took off into the air. Ascending up was such an exhilarating feeling to have. Now I know why Nala loved flying the kids around back home whenever she could. Immi landed right in one of the first openings on the top of the tree, causing everyone to look back and smile.

"Nice of you two to finally join us," Lauren said with a smirk. "We were beginning to think you ditched us for Immi."

I laughed as I helped Mani down.Ty came up behind Lauren, mirroring the position Mani and I were now in as he snaked his arms around her waist. As soon as Immi turned back into her human form, Nala tackled her to the ground in a bear hug, squealing her heart out. The older woman landed straight on her butt, eyes wide with shock before erupting in laughter as she squeezed Nala back.

"Seriously Nala?" I asked with a slight eye roll. "You can't keep greeting people like this."

"Dinah you don't understand!" Nala replied happily. "Immi's the closest thing I have to family. She's basically another sister."

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