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* The image above is Wisteria's national flag *

~Listen while you read: "Becoming" by Harper Adams~


The closer we got to my queendom, the more energized I felt. I was finally home. We were finally home. Solàna never left my side the entire time we sailed the Kunene River. Her hand was in mine as we looked out onto the scenery we passed. I could tell she was just soaking it all in. Once her and I marry, all of this will become hers. She'll rule it all with me. I couldn't wait for my people to meet her. She'll make a fine Lady.

"Are you excited to see your family again after all this time?" Solàna asked me.

"Very," I smiled. "When I left this place, I was unsure of so much – where I would end up, what my purpose would be, why I was called to the dark realm at all. But now, I understand why everything happened the way it did."

I looked longingly into Solàna's eyes as she smiled at me.

"Helping you was my purpose," I said. "Loving you, encouraging you, lifting you up...it was all a part of the Upside-down's plan. I was made for you, as you are for me. We just needed the right timing..."

"I'd say our timing was perfect," Solàna smiled. "You know, the very first time I saw you, you were a white shadow. You were always in my visions – the only white figure amongst a fiery forest. I never understood why everything in my vision looked the way it did. Not until I found you. You were always surrounded by fire...my fire. Your heart is pure, which is why the love you have for me is true to its core. Never in my life would I have imagined finding a love like this..."

I caressed her face before bringing her in for a loving kiss.

"Approaching the gates of Wisteria!" one of the royal sailors announced.

I smiled wide once our kiss ended. I looked up and saw those familiar, golden gates draped in the Wisterian national flag. I heard the trumpets sound from the other side, sparks of fire spewing out from below the gates almost immediately after. I beckoned for everyone to join us in the front of the ship.

"Your nation awaits, my queen," I uttered to Solàna.

I felt her excitement rise as we continued to hold hands. The gates finally opened, and we were met with every citizen of Wisteria. Their cheers were mighty as the children tossed petals from the nearby Wisterian trees in our direction. My eyes became glossy at the sight. My nation had grown so beautifully since I left years ago. I felt so burdened leaving them in the midst of a royal transition. But coming back and seeing how vibrant they were with life confirmed to me that my obedience was recognized and rewarded.

I looked towards the others as they marveled at the sight of my people. Dinah and Normani had caught a lone Wisterian pedal before it began to glow. They held it reverently before looking out onto the path ahead of us. Ty and Lauren beamed as they held little Lani. Her eyes began to glow green the happier she became. Dawn, Lealia, Nala, and Tori were simply in awe of all that was happening around them, while Ally smiled in content. She looked at me and nodded.

"The time you spent with us in Celestia has prepared you for this very moment," I heard her say to me. "Enjoy the time you have to reconnect with your people. You and Solàna will make fine rulers."

I smiled and nodded her way before the ship was docked by Wisteria's meeting port. As soon as we all got off of the ship, we were surrounded by Wisterian citizens – old and young alike. One of the elites of our nation came and greeted Solàna, reverently adorning her with a crown woven out of Wisterian branches. Solàna bowed her head as it happened before looking into the woman's eyes. She beheld Solàna's face as she smiled.

The Upside-down (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now