Dinner Time

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Before we went to get ready, Lauren let us walk around the castle to explore some more. Her home was really beautiful. Man, does Ty love his books. There were at least two other studies filled with them. It seemed that a lot of them were spell and magic books. Makes me wonder if he has powers like Lauren.

Lauren showed Nala and Lealia to their room first

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Lauren showed Nala and Lealia to their room first. Before they went inside, Mani and I stopped them to give them rules.

"Ok you two," I began, "try not to be too rowdy here okay? Lauren and Ty have been very sweet to us and we don't want to disrespect their home, yeah?"

"Indeed," Lealia said.

"Gotcha," Nala replied.

"And make sure to pick out something nice for dinner. I'm sure Lauren has plenty of beautiful clothes for us to wear," Mani added. Nala's and Lealia's face lit up at the thought of dressing up. I couldn't help but laugh.

"We promise we'll be good Dinah," Nala said, swarming me with a bear hug.

"Oui madmoiselle, we'll be on our best bahvior," Lealia agreed, bringing her forehead to Mani's for reassurance. She returned her smile as she grabbed my hand.

"Alright, go a head," we both said. And in they went, sprinting to the closet. We heard Lauren laughing behind us.

"They're precious," she said as she led us to our room.

"You would love them in their original forms. They're just as playful," I replied. Mani silently agreed. Soon we came to two huge mahogany doors. Lauren pushed them open and Mani and I gasped. Our room was beautiful! The color was dark along with the furniture chosen, but it was classy and elegant at the same time.

 Our room was beautiful! The color was dark along with the furniture chosen, but it was classy and elegant at the same time

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