Givers of Love

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(Listen while you read: "Getting Lighter" by Goldmund)

"So you mean to tell me that you were born with these powers?" I asked Ty as we continued to walk in the forest.

We had been walking for quite a while now, but we were really enjoying ourselves. I wasn't lying when I said I wanted to know more about his powers. Outside of being a wonderful husband to Lauren, I was curious what he was like when they were apart. And so far, he seemed really cool and laid back.

"That's correct," Ty replied, swirling tiny pebbles around with the movement of his fingers. "But they weren't always this strong."

"What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him while he answered.

"Alone, my powers are just average. But whenever I'm with Lauren, they intensify. I realized that when we first started using our powers around each other."

" sort of helped each other?"

"In a way, yes. The more time we spent with each other, the more we could create. With the increasing strength of my powers came abilities to do things I thought I wasn't powerful enough to do, like building our home."

Wait a minute!" I said, stopping in my tracks. "You mean you built that entire castle for you and her using your powers!?"

Ty laughed heartily at my excitement.

"I did. And in return, she created all this. The forest, the meadow...this whole realm came straight from that incredible mind of hers. In her hurt and despair, she created something beautiful."

I looked around at all that I saw. After learning that Lauren created all this, I finally was able to take in every detail of this place.

"So," I said, "as an act of gratitude, you used your powers to create a home for the both of you."

Ty smiled warmly at me as he tussled his dreads, putting them up in a bun.

"More so as an act of love," he replied. "In all actually, Lauren didn't need me. She was powerful on her own. But she longed to be found. That day I found her crying in the middle of our meadow was a day we were both extremely thankful for. The Upside-down led me straight to her. And I vowed from that day to make her the happiest she could ever be."

"That's so sweet Ty," I replied, bringing my hand to his shoulder. "That's how I feel about Mani. She means everything to me. Although I don't really have anything to offer her right now, I want to give her every ounce of me. I want to be her source of protection, love, completeness...the way you are for Lauren."

"Give it time Dinah," Ty said. "You'll be able to do all that and more for her. But true love takes time to cultivate. I can see how much you two care for one another. It reminds me of me and Lauren's relationship. Especially when we were younger. We were all over each other."

"No offense dude," I interrupted, "but you guys are kind of like that now."

We both laughed as we continued to walk.

"Touché," Ty said with a chuckle.

We suddenly came upon an open cave filled with vines, leaves, and a beautiful little waterfall due to the formation of the rocks. Now that I knew Lauren created this whole realm, I started to realize how much she paid attention to detail.

 Now that I knew Lauren created this whole realm, I started to realize how much she paid attention to detail

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