The Realm of Celestia

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"Hey," Lauren said as she leaned against our room's door frame, "you ladies have everything together?"

"Just finished packing the last of the clothes," Dinah said, securing her bag over her shoulder as I did the same.

"Thanks for letting us keep some of your clothes by the way," I smiled.

"It's no problem," Lauren smiled back. "Most of the clothes in this closet I can't even fit into that well anymore."

The three of us walked out of the room and down the stairs to meet everyone else outside. After we got back from Seoul, Lealia and Nala told us that it was time to start training and preparing for what was to come.

I was a little sad that Chaerin couldn't be here with us, but we all knew that she and Minzy were doing their part back in Shanghai in order for us to have a chance at defeating this evil spirit. I can only imagine how distraught Solána must feel knowing that she'll have to face her great grandmother after all these years. But I have no doubt that when the time comes, she'll know what to do.

"So," Dinah said as we all began walking to the forest, "where exactly are we going?"

"A beautiful, magical place!" Nala beamed as she skipped ahead of us. "You guys are finally gonna get to see my home!"

I giggled a little at Nala's excitement, only to feel a sudden sense of hurt. I looked behind me and saw that my beloved Lealia was straggling behind, her head downcast and shoulders slightly hunched over. Dinah took my hand and slightly squeezed it to get my attention.

"Go talk to her babe," she said softly with a smile.

I smiled back at her before kissing her lovingly on the lips. Just as she caught up with everyone else, I waited for Lealia to catch up to where I was. When she saw that I wasn't making a move to start walking again, her big eyes looked up at me with such innocence.

"Is something the matter ma'dame?" she asked with a small voice.

"With me," I began, "no, not at all. With you, there seems to be. Are you okay?"

Lealia's pout grew a little as her eyes began to water. I could tell she wanted to speak, but the amount of emotions she was feeling was preventing her from really doing so at the moment. I pulled her into a warm hug, running my fingers through her jet black hair as her sniffles continued.

"Talk to me love," I whispered. "I'm always here for you."

"I just..." she began, "...I really wish I could also show you my home. I'm the only remaining soul from my realm, and all that's left of it is its rip in the void..."

"You feel all alone now..."

Lealia nodded against my chest as she held onto me tight.

"Awe sweetie look at me."

She brought her head up as she wiped her tears as best she could, me helping her before I kissed her forehead.

"I can't stand here and pretend like I know what you're feeling. I've never dealt with loss as great as yours. But what I can do, is assure you that you're far from alone. You have Lauren, Ty, Chaerin, Nala, have me. You are so deeply loved. And you'll always have a home with us."

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