Glimpse of Our Future

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Ty and I walked through the whole base. Him and I knew that Chaerin's home wasn't what it used to be before the war happened, but we didn't know that her loved one was still alive and living in another part of the country. It did my heart good to see her happy again.

"Hey you," Ty said, bringing me out of my thoughts. "Wanna take a walk in the woods for a bit? I can tell you're feeling kind of homesick."

I laughed a little before bringing my lips to his. It always astounded me how connected him and I were.

"I would like that," I replied.

He took my hand and we made our way into the forest. It wasn't as vast as the one we had back home, so we were able to find our way back with no trouble. As we walked further into the forest, I absentmindedly began to rub my stomach, a small smile gracing my face as I thought back to the babies Ty and I were going to have. I've been doing that often lately. Ty noticed it about a week ago. I had no idea why I kept doing it though. I was told that because of the intensity of my powers, my body was unable to carry another life, so I wasn't expecting to have anymore children. That thought alone caused a tear to leave my eye. Just as it fell, Ty and I came to a serene part of the forest. Though there were plenty of trees around us, there was one that hovered over the small body of water that appeared to be glowing somehow.

 Though there were plenty of trees around us, there was one that hovered over the small body of water that appeared to be glowing somehow

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Ty and I were drawn to it, so we walked toward the water and sat down. I took off my shoes and carefully stuck my feet into the water, sighing in content at the surprisingly warm feeling it emanated. Ty did the same, sitting behind me to wrap his strong arms around me and caress my stomach in tiny circles. It wasn't until he kissed the nape of my neck that my vision altered. Everything was suddenly dark, the outlines of our surroundings lit up in bright shades of neon blue. I could still feel Ty holding me, but I could no longer see him.

 When I looked back out onto the water, I saw little sparks of light forming into two human silhouettes. They were little children, two little girls. It wasn't until I saw the color of their eyes that I realized who they were. They were my Kai and Mika. My eyes glossed over as broken gasps escaped my lips. I always knew that they would have green eyes like me and Ty. That's why I knew who they were once their eyes opened. They smiled at me before beginning to run towards me. I let out an emotional laugh as I opened my arms to embrace them.

But the further they ran, the more they started to attach to one another. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, fearing that they were disappearing from me too soon. But when they finally formed completely into one, they were still there. They took on a new appearance, one of a little girl I had never met before. She was beautiful. Just as beautiful as my daughters. She had stopped running when she grew closer to me, and she looked up at me with the cutest little dimples seeping through as she smiled. Her eyes glowed green, the same color my babies' eyes were, before they dissolved into a deep chocolate brown.

 Her eyes glowed green, the same color my babies' eyes were, before they dissolved into a deep chocolate brown

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"Hi mommy."

I gasped, my heart growing twice its size. The little child's mouth wasn't moving, yet I heard her speak. But her voice was that of my daughters. I didn't understand why I was seeing all of this, but I did know that somehow, I was meant to cross paths with a little girl who contained the spirit of my unborn babies. There had to be a bigger meaning behind it all, but for now, I was so grateful for being able to have a second chance to be a mother. Without thinking, I opened my arms back up and allowed the little girl to walk into my embrace.

"I can't wait to meet you little one," I whispered to her, hugging her tight before kissing her dark curls.

All she did was hug me tighter before she kissed my cheek. Just as soon as I smiled back to her, she disappeared, and my vision returned back to normal. I looked around me to see if anything was still different, but once I saw Ty still holding me, I knew everything was back to the way it was. I locked eyes with my husband, him kissing me softly before he began to speak.

"What did you see?"

I smiled beside myself as more tears began to cascade down my cheeks.

"The most beautiful sight I could ever lay my eyes on..."

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