As Long As I Have You

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"I had no idea her wounds were this deep..."  Lealia quietly said as she looked in the direction where Chaerin and Lana walked. We were all taken aback by what had just occurred. Chaerin let us in...she became vulnerable with us all. It took a great amount of strength to do something like that.

"It's like I said before," Lauren said, "she came to this realm under horrible circumstances. Ty and I tried our best to make our home as comfortable and stress free for her as possible. Most days we were successful in our efforts. She warmed up to us pretty quickly. But sometimes..."

"Sometimes her memories would get the better of her," Ty continued, walking to where Lauren was sitting to comfort her. "Because what happened to her and her loved ones was so traumatic, her cognitive abilities would heighten every time she became sad. She would literally start reliving her past at random hours of the day and night."

"In order to better understand, Ty and I allowed ourselves to see what she remembered. That's when we started taking trips to her home to search for them. We never took her with us though. We wanted the timing to be right so she doesn't harm herself or anyone else when she sees what became of her home all these years."

"How were you and Ty able to travel to her home?" Dinah asked.

"And what's it like now?" Nala countered.

Lealia and I looked to the couple wanting to hear their answer. They both looked at one another before bringing their gazes back to the rest of us.

"We have a friend in another realm that specializes in time travel amongst different dimensions," Ty answered first.

"You'll all get to meet her soon," Lauren continued, "I feel that she'll really like you all."

I smiled a little at the thought of meeting more of Ty and Lauren's friends, but my heart was still troubled by Chaerin and her troubled past. Dinah must've sensed my worry as she took a glance at me.

Hey. Are you okay?

I've been better. I just feel really bad for Chaerin. I can't imagine going through what she went through...what she's still going through.

I understand. I feel the same way. Tell you what. How about after desert, you and I go back up to our room and change into some comfy clothes. We can say our goodnights to Lealia and Nala, and then you and I can go for a walk in the meadow. That sound good?

An adorable, childlike smile crept its way onto her face, in hopes that I would say yes to her proposal. Of course I had to oblige.

I would love to do that.

I heard her mentally squeal, and saw her do a little victory dance in her seat, causing me to stifle a small giggle. I couldn't help but look at her lovingly as she continued conversing with Ty about his massive book collection. Lealia seemed very fascinated by the butterfly Lana gifted to Nala before dinner. Of course, it landed on Lealia's nose, causing her to go cross-eyed trying to see it properly. Nala and I couldn't help but laugh. 

"Normani," Lauren said, bringing her hand to my shoulder from behind where I was sitting, "why don't you help me bring out the deserts? I already made them, all you have to do is choose who gets what."

My eyes lit up like Christmas. I loved being in the kitchen. Especially with my mother whenever she prepared a feast for our soldiers. She taught me quite a few things. And our time in the kitchen always resulted in mini food fights. We made sure to clean before my father came home. But somehow he always knew it happened.

"I'd love to!"

Lauren smiled as I followed her to the kitchen. It seems like Ty wasn't the only one that was a good cook.

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