Dark Memories

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"What is this place?"  Lealia asked from behind me.

I led her and everyone else to the place I called home for so many years. It was a large building a little ways away from the center of the city. On the outside it looked dark and bleak...almost like no one really lived there. It was the perfect place for us...to just be to ourselves and have our own little family.

"This is the place I once called home," I answered, never taking my eyes away from the building. "There were so many beautiful memories made here..."

We all entered the building, taking in our surroundings. Then they appeared...my family...the loved ones that I lost. 

"Is this your family?"  Dinah asked.

I smiled as I looked to them, my eyes soon becoming glossed over with remnants of tears.

"Yes. They are. Well...at least they were. This was one of the last times I ever saw them again before everything went wrong and I disappeared."

Lauren and Ty were behind Dinah and Normani, while Lana stood beside me, giving me the smallest gestures of comfort as I relived my past.

"You should introduce them to our guests love. I'm sure they'd love to know who they were," she softly said to me. 

I looked to the others, then looked to my family as I took a deep breath. Up until now, I've never had to address who exactly my family was, which is what allowed me to somewhat cope with the reality that I may never see them again. Because Lauren and Ty have traveled to my home countless times before, they became aware of my story early on. They told Lana when they felt the time was right and she was always there for me when I had my break downs. But now? Now I had to relive their memory again with new friends. It was going to be difficult, but with their help, maybe they can find out if their still alive.

"Okay," I began, "so...this was my family. Park Bom. She was the oldest of us all, but the most pure and childlike..."

I stopped to laugh at the many great memories we shared together.

"She was a very good cook, and she had a way with little ones. Then there's Sandara. We just called her Dara. The second oldest. She was the best for making us laugh."

I took a long pause as I laid eyes on the one most special to me. 

"Then there's Minzy...she was...she was my everything. Because we were the youngest, we were very close. She was always everywhere I was. We understood one another in ways that even our unnies couldn't understand at times."

"Unnies?" Normani asked, making her way up to the other side of me.

"Korean for older sister," I said with a little chuckle, which somehow caused a breathtaking memory of her to be shown to Normani. I couldn't help but feel warm inside.

Normani smiled as she looked from me to Minzy. "She's beautiful."


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