The Upside-Down

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(Listen while you read: "Lux Aurumque" by Eric Whitacre)

Dinah's POV


There was nothing but darkness when we finally entered the dark void. The atmosphere was very ominous and somber, yet peaceful. As I looked up, I could clearly see stars shining beautifully up above. The ground below us seemed to be water, as the stars above were reflected off of it. I was in awe of the beauty of it all. It was strange to me...finding an atmosphere that was dark and empty so captivating and beautiful...I never would've imagined that a place seemingly of isolation and darkness would intrigue me this much.

"So this is the void that you've been raving about?" I jokingly asked Nala as we started walking further into the darkness. "There's nothing here but stars, water, and darkness. Not really impressed." 

Nala chuckled as she playfully bumped into me. 

"Don't judge your surroundings by what you see. Especially here in the Upside-down," she replied. "That's rule number one. The more time we spend in this void, the more you'll see all that resides here. Like I said before, there are many different places here that you will eventually go to. In some of these places, you'll come in contact with souls who can help you better prepare for your purpose. Some of them are dear friends of mine that I haven't seen since I left. I can't wait to see how they've grown!"

"Aw Nala," I cooed, "I didn't know you had friends here. What are they like?"

"Well, you'd think I'd befriend other creatures who were a lot like me. But oddly enough, my friends are very much different. Not only are we all different creatures, but we grew up in different realms. You'll see the realm I came from in due time. As we got older, we eventually came to this specific place to train for the people on earth we were connected to. We only return and/or stay here for two reasons. Either the person we're connected to has something to fulfill that involves the Upside-down, which is why you're here, or that person died on earth, which results in us having to return here to our home. It's a bitter sweet situation."

Towards the end of her explanation, Nala grew quiet, most likely in reflection to the souls lost on earth. I understood the feeling of loss. I lost my grandparents to an illness that we still have yet to find a cure for. It was devastating, but eventually we pulled together and got through it. I won't be leaving Nala anytime soon as long as I have anything to do about it.

"Well don't worry," I said, scratching behind her ear, "you'll have me to annoy for a very long time." She walked closer towards me, something she always did when she was in a cuddling mood.

As touching as our moment was, I couldn't shake the feeling that we weren't alone in this void. Oddly enough, the presence I felt wasn't dangerous. It seemed somehow I knew who the presence belonged to. Either way, I stuck close to Nala as we continued walking...

Normani's POV

"Great. Another bleak place to wander in for God knows how long."

Even though Bordeaux wasn't nearly as dark as this place, the gloominess of it still reminded me of my home.  Although the darkness was slightly overwhelming, the stars above me put me at ease. I always liked looking at them. They calmed me. Especially when Lealia would join me after a long day of training with my father and his soldiers.

"So from what I understand, there are many realms that the Upside-down holds. And that you belong to one of those realms," I prompted Lealia as we continued walking. 

"That's correct m'dame," she replied. "Though they're all vastly different, they all hold a degree of beauty and mystery, along with creatures of equal beauty."

"Do you happen to know any of the other creatures who live there?"

"Indeed I do. Some of them still live in the realm I come from. You'll eventually meet them as well. There are a lot of surprises that this void gives, so always keep an open mind."

I simply nodded in response as I gently petted her snow white fur. I already knew a great deal about this void thanks to Lealia. I knew about how the creautures here were connected to certain humans on earth, and what caused them to return. It was very interesting to learn.

But as much as I wanted to keep my focus on the task at hand, I couldn't escape the feeling that I wasn't the only one brought here. I looked back to see if anyone was following us, but all I was met with was more darkness. No matter what direction we walked in, the feeling of someone else's presence never ceased. But instead of feeling on edge, I felt a sense of comfort from it...almost like a familiarity. This presence was no stranger to me, yet I still couldn't figure out who or what it belonged to.

But knowing what the void had in store for me, I didn't doubt that I would somehow get the answer.

So Lealia and I continued walking...


The Upside-down (Norminah)Where stories live. Discover now