The Woman with Green Eyes

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"This place is beautiful," Dinah said, dreamily taking in every detail.

"Thank you. My husband and I take pride in the up keeping of our home."

I honestly thought this castle was forgotten.

But I was wrong...


Normani, Nala, Lealia and I all spun around to see the apparent owner of this place. One of them at least.

This woman was gorgeous in a mysterious way. Her hair was long and dark, its waves bringing the paleness of her skin. It also brought out the intensity of her translucent, piercing green eyes. Her stare alone was enough to keep all of us frozen in place.

 Her stare alone was enough to keep all of us frozen in place

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"You know, it's quite rude to stare at your host this way." Gosh, I didn't expect her voice to come out so raspy. It honestly took me by surprise.

"U-uhm..." I couldn't do anything but stutter. I looked to Mani to see if she would help me explain our situation, but she was just as stunned as I was. I looked back to the woman and she started giggling. Lealia suddenly stepped forward to her and gracefully bowed.

"Our apologies mademoiselle," she began, "we arrived here a few moments ago in hopes to get some rest for the night. We promise not to stay long. It would only be for the night."

The green eyed woman furrowed her brows as she stepped closer to Lealia, using her index finger to lift up her chin.

"Now why would I let all of you stay here for just one night?" All of our eyes bulged out of our sockets at her sudden hospitality.

"You would allow us to stay longer?" Normani asked in shock.

"Of course. I may look intimidating, but I assure you, I'm not heartless. My husband and I haven't had visitors in our realm in a long time. We'd be honored to have you stay a while."

"Cool!" Nala beamed. "This place is amazing! Thank you so much for letting us stay..."

"Michelle," the woman replied. "My name's Lady Michelle. My husband and I rule this realm."

"What exactly is this realm, if you don't mind my asking," Normani asked out of curiosity.

"This is the Realm of Goth. It may seem dark and desolate, but there are many hidden gems here that I feel may help you two with what you need." Her smirk grew as she finished her explanation. Did she somehow know why Normani and I were here?

"Lady Michelle," Nala said as we all followed the green eyed woman up the stairs. "That's a really pretty name, but is there something, you know, less formal we could call you?"

"Nala!" I scolded her in a harsh whisper. "That's kind of rude." She brought her head down with a little pout forming her lips. Lady Michelle slightly giggled as she looked over her shoulder at us.

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