Catching Butterflies

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She ran to me and engulfed me in the strongest hug I've ever felt. I know we've only been apart for about an hour, but seeing those adorable eye dimples made me realize how much I missed seeing them in such a short time frame. When she held me close in her embrace, I couldn't help but snuggle into her chest, feeling how in sync her heart beat was with mine. I sighed in content as my grip on her tightened slightly.

"I missed you Mufasa," I said, dreamily looking up to her to stare into those beautiful hazel eyes. They instantly lit up at the sound of the new nickname.

"I missed you too," she whispered, as she brought her lips to mine, still holding me. "By the way, I love the pet name. What inspired that?"

"Your hair is crazy huge in the morning," I giggled as I traced her cheekbone. "I thought it was cute."

It was her turn to giggle as she let me go, substituting the hug for a hand hold as we walked to Ty and Lána who were happily conversing amongst themselves.

"How was you guys' walk?" Dinah asked me as she looked between me and Lána.

"It was very eye opening," Lána replied with a bright smile. "Normani helped answer some questions I've had for a while now. And I got some insight into you two's relationship."

She winked at Dinah, which made her blush and duck her head down. I couldn't help but laugh.

"Yeah," I continued, "apparently our relationship is similar to Ty and Lauren's relationship. Especially when they first met. Have you heard their story?"

Dinah's face grew with sadness suddenly as she looked to Ty, who returned a solemn grin. I took notice as I looked between them both, finally taking a glance at Lána who had the same expression.

"I'm guessing you heard a different version than I did," I said as I looked at Dinah.

"You guessed right," she replied with a small chuckle. "But it's not extremely heart breaking. It allowed them to gain new blessings."

When she said that, her smile came back to grace her features, causing me to brighten up myself.

"We can talk about it tonight, okay?" I whispered in her ear I stroked her arm.

I then decided to kiss her shoulder like she kissed mine earlier, just to see what reaction I would get. The kiss was soft and tender, but long and lasting. While doing so, my eyes never left hers. She subtly bit her lip as she smirked, a low, sultry moan erupting as I brought my forehead to hers. 

"Absolutely," she seductively said.

Out of no where I heard a cute snicker from Lána. Dinah and I have been forgetting that there were other people present once we got in our own little bubble.

"Yeah," she said, "you guys are definitely like Ty and Lauren."

"Don't worry," Ty replied laughing, "you'll definitely be acting the same way once that special someone crosses your path."

"She sure will," I replied with a menacing smirk. 

Now it was Lána's turn to blush and duck.


All of us quickly turned our attention to the direction of the booming voice. Dinah was the only one to start laughing.

"Who was that?" I asked.

"Nala," she replied as she began walking back to Ty and Lauren's home. Ty, Lána and I followed shortly after.

"I would've never thought that she had such a loud voice," Lána said.

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