Kindred Spirits

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(Listen while you read: "Night After Sidewalk" by Kaki King)

First time experiences. The most precious moments a person could ever have in this life. Because I've lived for twenty years, I felt like my era for them had run its course. But last night...last night it reappeared in the most magical of ways. I have kissed others before. My first kiss was with a childhood friend when I was ten. At that age, doing something so intimate was nerve wrecking to say the least. As I got older, the magic feeling it normally comes with started dwindling since I did it with people I didn't really care for. But Mani's different. Talking to her last night really opened my eyes to the blessing that was added to my life. She was everything to me, and yet I still didn't know that much about her. Only that she was from France and that Lealia was to her what Nala was to me. I mean, I guess it's pretty hard to get to know someone fully in just one day. But honestly, I would spend the rest of my life getting to know her. That's how much she meant to me.

I woke up the next morning feeling amazing. Even though this particular realm had no sun, it seemed like our room had a morning glow. This was just so magical. I slowly turned to my side and there she was. The woman from my dream, snuggling closely into my body. I couldn't get the warm feeling in my heart to stop. She looked so peaceful in her sleep. I almost felt bad for wanting to wake her up. So as a compromise, I woke her in the softest, most gentle way possible.

"Dinaaaaaah," she giggled, trying to hide her face deeper in her pillow. "Your kisses tickle."

"Open up those beautiful brown eyes for me baby girl," I cooed, kissing her closed eyelids softly. As soon as she opened them, I was hypnotized. Their deep richness was something so out of this world. I could stare into them forever. 

She must've caught on to the fact that her deep stare kept me frozen in my place. Her beautiful smile graced her face as she continued to look at me, her fingers tracing every detail of my face.



We both leaned in, breathing in one another as our lips met for the second time. It wasn't as long as the first kiss, but it held just as much emotion and passion. She let out a small whimper as I brought her body even more into mine. Only being a few centimeters away from one another after pulling a part, it felt like we caught a glimpse into each other's soul. Hers was calm and peaceful. Very tranquil. I could get lost in it.

"You're so beautiful," she dreamily said, taking my hand into hers.

"You are too," I replied just as soft. Out of nowhere came three soft knocks on the door.

"Hey love birds," Lauren sang as she walked in. She definitely had a morning glow to her. She seemed...refreshed.

"Good morning," Mani and I greeted. 

"Looks like someone had a good night," Mani said as she got out of bed, me doing the same.

Lauren slightly blushed as she ducked her head down, playing with the ends of her hair.

"I did...well...we both did."

Her and Ty were just too cute. I couldn't wait to have a love like they had with someone.

"How long have you two been married?" I asked out of curiosity.

"Fifteen years actually," she answered with a warm smile. "It doesn't even feel like it's been that long to be honest. He's such a wonderful man. A day never goes by where he doesn't tell or show how much he loves me."

"Wow," Mani said, tooth brush in her mouth as she was brushing her teeth in the bathroom. "Fifteen years. You guys aren't too far from my parents. They've been married for twenty-three years. They grew up as best friends before beginning to date. A lot of my people look up to them."

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