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I stood on the top of the massive stairway, a smile spreading on my face as I saw everyone approaching. Jason and Luke had joined us along with Dawn, and my heart bursted with pride. The Upside-down had indeed chosen the perfect souls to fulfill her prophesy. I felt her yearning. I understood that time was running out, but the time was perfect for what was to happen in these next few of days. Things were aligning beautifully, and soon, the day would come when peace would come to everyone.

"ALLY!" Nala exclaimed as she ran up to me.

I laughed as she hugged me tight. 

"Welcome back Nala," I smiled.

"Where's Tori?"

"Over here!" 

Tori came from inside the massive rock formation and hugged Nala tight.

"I can't wait to start training with you! It's been far too long since I've seen you in action."

I smiled at them before we all headed down to meet everyone else.

"It's wonderful to finally meet you Jason," I said as I bowed, "king of Atlantis."

The burly Samoan chuckled in surprise before bowing himself.

"Didn't think my reputation traveled so far," he said.

I then turned to Luke, smiling as I found his hand holding the hand of the lovely woman beside him.

"You must be Luke," I said. 

He smiled warmly at me as he bowed. When he came back up, I saw the tiniest glint of gold in his pupils. That's when I knew...there was way more to him than what he would show.

"You must know that you being here with us is not by accident," I said to him. "There's something inside of you that Normani needs. Same goes for you and Dinah, Jason. The four of you are powerful, but as pairs, you're telekinetic. Your ability to connect with one another on a mental level is what will fuel you to develop your own abilities. That's what we'll be cultivating."

Lauren and Ty came up beside me as they looked toward everyone.

"I think it's time we begin our training," Lauren said. "The three of us will oversee each group's progress. Dinah, I'll be with you and Jason."

"I'll be with Mani and Luke," Ty continued, "and Victoria, you can oversee them with me."

Victoria's eyes widened, utter surprise forming on her face. Lauren and I laughed before I spoke.

"The Upside-down tells us many things," Lauren said. "You'd be a greater help than you think. Plus, Ty and I will need someone to look after our Lanibear while everyone's busy."

Just then, Lani ran her way over to the Atlantean, Victoria melting and immediately picking her up and bouncing her on her hip. She looked to Lauren and Ty and nodded with a smile as Lani's head rested in the crook of her neck.

"I will oversee Tori, Nala, Lealia, and Dawn," I said, smiling at the young woman as her pinkie stayed laced with Lealia's.

"Wait," Dinah said. "What about Solána?"

"Yeah," Normani continued. "She's the most important part of this battle."

I looked toward Giselle, her smiling knowingly at me before squeezing Solána's hand.

"I'll train her myself," she said with finality. "She'll be in good hands."

I smiled as Giselle kissed Solàna on the crown of her head. Everyone had their proper groupings. 

"Take these next few days to know yourself spiritually. The powers you'll possess and cultivate are a result of your emotions and the connection you have with the ones dearest to you. Learn to use them when you're together, but also when you're all alone."

With a final nod from everyone, we all walked to our separate paths. We were no longer in Celestia. This realm was being has ever walked through it up until now. The Upside-down saved it for such a time as this... 

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