After All This Time...

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This is it.

I looked down to Normani, her head rising up so her beautiful eyes could meet mine as she smiled with hope. I furrowed my eyebrows a little as I giggled quietly.

What do you mean my love?

I mean this is it...this is the moment Chaerin gets to see the love of her life...after all this time...

I smiled beside myself at the thought. That was the reason why we were on our way to Shanghai. Chaerin was finally going to be able to see the person she thought she lost forever. I was excited and nervous for her. Mani could sense my slight worry as her hand found itself in mine.

What's wrong baby?

It's just...what if when Chaerin sees her, she's different? Fighting an ongoing war changes a person Mani. I've seen it happen to some of our warriors back home. I don't want that for Chaerin. I don't know if she'll be able to handle that.

Mani brought the back of my hand to her lips, her eyes still locked with mine.

We won't know unless we try. Besides, the love that they shared isn't something that can just disappear from one's mind. I believe that no matter what she's been through, the love she still holds for Chaerin is still there. In fact, I don't think it ever left. And once she sees her, I think it'll ignite tremendously.

I smiled down at her just as the train stopped. We both looked out the window before looking at each other once again. Just seeing how beautiful she was, I couldn't resist capturing her soft and inviting lips. I kissed her softly, but passionately enough to have us slightly breathless once we drew apart.

"You're right princess," I whispered against her lips. "You ready to go?"

"As long as I'm with you," she replied with a smitten smile.

I winked at her before rising from my seat, bringing out my hand to help her out of hers. We both stepped off the train and met everyone else on the station's platform. Lauren clung to Ty's side happily, while Nala and Lealia locked arms as they began walking. Solàna walked with Chaerin, their hands joined together as Seungri led us to the surface. When we got to the top, we were astounded at how the city looked. It was alot like Seoul, but the hints of war hadn't touched the land. It was a refreshing sight to see.

Suddenly, a vehicle made its way to where we were standing. A tall, modestly built man with brown, slightly slicked back hair stepped out the driver's side. His attire was well put together, and he seemed like someone that was very important in society.

 His attire was well put together, and he seemed like someone that was very important in society

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His face was stoic until he locked eyes with Chaerin. His mouth fell open a little as his eyes began to widen.

"Chaerin?" he asked in a hushed voice, his steps careful and timid as he approached her.

"Ji-hoon?" Chaerin replied just as shocked.

The two let out laughs as they engulfed one another. The man, now known to us as Ji-hoon, picked Chaerin up off the ground and twirled her around. Chaerin held on to him tightly before she was brought back down to the ground, looking into his eyes with happiness.

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