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This palace was so beautiful. I had never seen one made completely out of glass. The floors were so clean that their reflection caused beams of different colors to dance throughout every room. The pillars that held up the building's structure were historic and sturdy. I was so enamored with how enchanting everything looked. And to think, this will be our home for the rest of our lives. It was perfect.

"How's it going?" I heard Mani say.

I smiled before communicating back with her.

"Amazing! I met me and Giselle's help mate. She's beautiful. Her name is Trene."

"Help mate?" she chuckled. "Lucky girl. Do you think this is a place you'd want to live in forever?"

"Oh, yes," I said. "Wisteria is a beautiful nation. But honestly, as long as I'm with Giselle, I can live anywhere in the world and still be happy."

"I'm so happy for you, Làna. Mother Celestine was right...your mother would be so proud of you."

"It's astonishing how much I can feel her. Especially when I hugged Celestine. It was such an overwhelming feeling."

"Well, Giselle did say there was a place here that can help you reach her. Maybe that's why you feel her so strongly."

"You're right. Hopefully she'll take me to wherever that place is."

"I have no doubt she will! Have fun, love! We'll see you guys later on!"

I brought my attention back to Giselle and Trene as we continued to walk throughout the palace.

"How long did it take to build this place?" I asked.

"Quite a while," Trene answered. "Giselle and I weren't born when it started being built, so we learned about it in school."

"It took the entire royal team of builders to complete it," Giselle said. "Because its entirety is made out of glass, everything had to be done delicately."

"I can imagine," I said. "That's such a brilliant idea. It really captures the beauty of this place."

"Wait until you see the rooms," Trene said.

I smiled giddily as we continued to stroll throughout the palace. There was a walkway that led to another part of it. It was unlike anything I had ever seen! The floor looked like water as it reflected the many windows surrounding it. The sun's light hit them so much to the point where arrays of different colors seeped through.

"I can't get over how breathtaking everything here is," I said

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"I can't get over how breathtaking everything here is," I said.

Giselle spun me around as we walked across the room. I felt like a little girl again, getting excited over the little things. We soon entered one of the other wings of the of palace. The entire room was filled with various plants and trees. The few workers who were tending to them stopped what they were doing before bowing to us, giving us warm smiles before going back to what they were doing.

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