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Getting to the other realm was surprisingly easier than expected. Maybe it was because we had Lauren, Ty, Lána, and Chaerin with us to help navigate. Lauren absolutely loved Nala and Lealia in their animal state. Especially Lealia. She played with her constantly, and Lealia never left her side. She seemed so at home whenever she was around Lauren and Ty. It was heartwarming for me to see. Dinah took a glance at me, knowing what had gained my attention.

"It's okay you know?" I said, taking her hand in mine and intertwining our fingers. "I knew that earth wasn't her real home. She only came to my home because I needed her. I still do. But I do know that once we've accomplished our purpose, she'll be coming back here...her true home. And I feel that she'll be wanting to make a home with Lauren and Ty. The realm she came from no longer exists, and I can tell she feels safe and secure with them."

We both looked at Lealia and how at ease she was with Lauren. Even though she was very reserved compared to Nala, she still loved to be shown affection. She always seemed to melt whenever Ty, Lauren, myself, or even Dinah touched her. I looked back to Dinah when I felt her give my hand a gentle squeeze. Her face grew with slight concern as she was looking towards Nala.

"You think if once everything's said and done, Nala will leave me too?"

I looked to her with gentleness, bringing my hand up to her face gently.

"That's something you and her have to talk about on your own. But if it helps, your story with Nala is different than mine with Lealia. I already knew that even though she loves me dearly, Lealia doesn't long to stay with me forever. And I respect that because my kingdom isn't her home. This void and Lauren's realm is where her heart truly lies. And I love her too much to be that selfish with her. With Nala, I can tell her heart lies with you. Wherever you go, whatever you do, and whoever you're with, she wants to be with you."

Dinah looked from me to Nala, who was happily allowing Lána to ride on her back, stroking her wings with one hand and scratching that spot behind her ear with the other. A smile crept its way onto her face instantly.

"She's definitely become apart of me and my home. It would be horrible if she left," she replied.

"Which is why I'm not going anywhere Mufasa,"  Nala giggled, stopping to let us catch up to her and Lána.

We all laughed at the fact that she picked up on my pet name for Dinah.

"Ladies," Ty said ahead of us. "It looks like we've arrived."

Him and Lauren opened the tare and we all walked inside, Nala and Lealia turning back to their human forms. What we saw before us was too beautiful for words. This realm was way different than Lauren and Ty's. And it seemed vast. It was a huge forest with multiple hills and many tall trees. As industrialized as my kingdom was, I was always strangely attracted to nature and how amazing it was. This place fed that attraction immensely.

 This place fed that attraction immensely

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