The Great Return

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My stomach was so full from all the wonderful food that was given to us. Dinah and I were currently watching everyone have the time of their lives on the dance floor. The angels were very musically gifted, so they played and sang to their hearts' content. 

For the longest time, I just couldn't keep my eyes off of Solàna and Giselle. They already looked so happy with one invested. I could tell that their love was already brewing, but it would grow into something so beautiful and pure. Soon I felt a familiar set of lips linger on the nape of my neck, causing me to melt instantly as her arms encamped me. My eyes closed naturally as I got lost in the feeling of her so easily. 

"What are you thinking about my love?" Dinah asked me lowly.

"A lot of things..." I replied softly, "...seeing Solàna happy...Nala being back and I being able to go back home...despite it only being for short while..."

I felt Dinah's lips curl up in a smile as she gave me another lingering kiss.

"I can't wait for us to meet one another's families," she said. "Ally did say there'd be some people from our past making an appearance..."

"I was thinking about that too. Apparently they're supposed to help us."

"I don't know exactly what will happen when we return," Dinah said, "but promise me that no matter who you and I may see after so many years, we'll always keep in mind who we belong to..."

I looked her way with a loving smile before my lips met hers.

"Always my queen," I beamed.

Soon, the music dwindled down, Ally and Jonathan coming out before addressing everyone.

"I'm so glad everyone is having an amazing night so far," Ally began. "It's been so long since we've had a big dinner like this. My heart is filled with so much joy that my dear Nala has finally returned home, and with beautiful new friends who have helped her grow and mature into the young lioness I knew she always would be. And it's my understanding that she has a special presentation for Dinah and Normani."

Dinah and I smiled as we saw Nala make her way to the center of the floor, the lights from above dimming until it was dark enough for the light fairies to light up our surroundings. She looked at us with a childlike smile before opening her mouth to sing.

(Listen while you read: "Black Water Lillies" by AURORA)

The moment she started singing, all my attention gravitated towards her. All this time I had no idea Nala could sing. And by the looks of it, neither did Dinah. Her mouth was a gape as her eyes became a little glossy as her eyes locked with Nala's. 

Soon, mocking jays came flying in and perched themselves on the surrounding tree branches, imitating Nala's voice and singing along with her as the angels played their instruments. Wanting to take advantage of this moment, I rose from my seat, holding out my hand for Dinah to take. She looked up at me with a smile and took it before we glided on the dance floor.

She held me close as we locked eyes. Our foreheads met, and it seemed like everyone else just disappeared. I saw the reflection of my now rose gold glowing eyes in her pupils before hers did the same. There was so much in store for us all...but her and I? This moment alone let me know that our future together was set for life...

Solàna and Giselle

"Did you enjoy dinner tonight my love?"

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