Hidden Beauty

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(Listen while you read: "Neanderthal" by Kaki King)

After breakfast was over with, Dinah and I kissed each other goodbye before heading off for our walk. If I'm being honest, I thought she would be a little jealous of me wanting to take my walk with Lána . But seeing that she wanted to walk with Ty, I figured she trusted me enough to know that I wouldn't do anything to hurt her. There was so much I wanted to know about her, but I feel that time will reveal all that I need to know. I can't wait for that time to come.

"You ready for our walk darlin'?" Lána asked, linking her arm with mine.

"Absolutely," I happily replied.

Soon enough, we were on our way on our own adventure that would soon be filled with self-revelation. It was an exciting feeling to have. Since the first day we met, there was something about Lána  that I wanted to learn more about. In a way, she was just like Chaerin. She didn't say much about her past unless someone asked her. And the time Dinah and I spent here, no one really brought it up.

Unlike Chaerin, she didn't wear her emotions on her sleeve. She built up walls in the form of a breath taking smile and comforting touch in hopes to keep others from making their way in. I can sense there's been a tremendous loss in her life. But for some reason, she won't talk about it willingly. This is what this walk will make happen. I want her to be comfortable enough to open up to me. Maybe I can somehow help her.

"You're awfully quiet for someone who's generally curious about me," Lána said with a small chuckle. "What's on your mind?"

"Quite a few things," I replied, still in deep thought.

"Care to share them?"

I looked up to her to see her gaze on something not too far off from where we were. I followed her gaze and we soon stopped in our tracks. We walked upon what looked like ruins of another castle. In it's ruin, there were many aspects of beauty emanating from the atmosphere it created; almost welcoming.

We looked at each other with the slightest grin before we walked into the ruins, mesmerized by parts of the castle that were still intact

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We looked at each other with the slightest grin before we walked into the ruins, mesmerized by parts of the castle that were still intact. The overgrown shrubbery and vines gave such an enchanting feel to it all. Lána and I took a seat on what looked to be part of a fountain, getting comfortable in our temporary location of our walk.

"So what do you wanna know about me love?" Lána asked.

"Well," I began, "I understand that this particular realm isn't made for a spirit like you, right?"

"That's right."

"So...what kind of realm do you thrive in?"

She looked to me, concern and confusion evident in her facial expression.

"I'm afraid I can't even answer that. Up until a few years ago, I thought that any realm opposite of this one would help spark the fire in me. But no matter what realm there was, nothing worked. No matter how lively, colorful, or vibrant my surroundings were, I always needed something stronger. After a while, I gave up on trying to find whatever that source would be."

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