A Second Chance

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《...Ty and Lauren...》

Listen while you read: "The Garden's Light" by Trevor Kowalski

This place is so beautiful. Every detail of it is captivating. After a while I just let my feet take me wherever they felt led to wander, Ty's hand resting in mine as our fingers laced together. He brought me into his side before kissing my cheek, me melting into him before looking into his warm eyes.

"I love you so much," he whispered to me. "I know I say it often, but despite all that we've been through in this life, good and bad, you are the most precious being to ever grace my life."

I looked longingly at my beloved husband, smiling before bringing his lips to mine. With the knowing of what's to come for us, also came the knowing that him and I had to take advantage of the limited time we had left to share with one another.

"Besides our daughters," I spoke softly, "I've never held anyone so close to my heart as much as I do for you. I still wish that I was able to give you a family."

"You did give me a family my love. Solána, Chaerin, Lealia, Nala, Normani, Dinah...they're our beautiful family."

I smiled at him as he kissed my forehead. But suddenly, time stopped when I heard one single word as clear as day.


My heart stopped at the sound of a little girl. I looked up at Ty as he looked onward, his eyebrows furrowed as his eyes stared straight ahead. I looked where his eye sight had landed and came into the sights of a giant green house made entirely of glass.

 I looked where his eye sight had landed and came into the sights of a giant green house made entirely of glass

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I stared in confusion until I heard her voice again.


I gasped as my eyes started filling up with unwashed tears. I knew that voice. It was the voice of the little girl I saw in my vision. I looked to Ty and as soon as we locked eyes, our hold on one another's hands tightened as we ran to the large building.

We entered through the doorway and walked through the tall grass inside. This building was so vast in size, it would take a while for me and Ty to find the little one. Luckily, she wanted to be found. I heard little footsteps to my right, and the sight Ty and I saw was heart wrenching.

 I heard little footsteps to my right, and the sight Ty and I saw was heart wrenching

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A precious little Lynx slowly made her way over to us. I sat on my knees in front of her as Ty sat next to me. She made her way onto my lap before nudging her nose in my cheek. I melted at the action before she licked the palm of Ty's hand as he began to pet her.

"What are you doing here all alone little one?" I asked softly.

"I was waiting for you and papa..."

I smiled as the tears in my eyes started coming back.

"Please let me see you..." I whispered to her.

And just like that, the little Lynx transformed into the beautiful little girl I saw in my vision. Her eyes glowed a hue of green before settling into a warm brown color, signifying that the souls of my twin daughters were resting within her.

 Her eyes glowed a hue of green before settling into a warm brown color, signifying that the souls of my twin daughters were resting within her

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She looked up at me with those big eyes, and suddenly I knew that everything would be ok. She was me and Ty's second chance at having a family.

"Are those happy tears?" She asked, her lips never opening to speak.

It was her thoughts that Ty and I could read as well as the emotion behind her eyes.

"Yes they are princess," I giggled emotionally, "I promise. Do you have a name?"

She nodded with a large smile.


I smiled adoringly at her before bopping her nose.

"Well Lani, do you know that you have two older sisters?"

"Uh huh. They live inside me. They look like you. But they have papa's laugh."

Ty chuckled as he wiped away some of his tears. Lani crawled in his lap and wrapped her tiny arms around his neck while he embraced her whole heartedly.

"I know this is only the second time meeting us," he began, "but we want you to know that we love you so much."

"And we can't wait for you to meet the rest of your family," I continued.

Lani giggled as her big beautiful eyes locked onto mine, her head still snuggly laid in the crook of Ty's neck as he held her.

"Will I meet them at dinner?"

"Absolutely," I smiled.

"And they'll be so happy to meet you," Ty finished.

Lani giggled with delight as she hid her face in Ty's locs. We stood up before Lani took each of our hands. We began walking back to the castle, swinging our little girl back and forth as she squealed and giggled her little heart out.

We finally had our own family...and I'll never ever let them go...

This may be the shortest chapter this book will ever have...

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