Old Flames (II): Nuku'alofa, Tonga

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(Listen while you read: "Labybrinths" by Ciaran Delany)


It was the smell of the ocean air that let me know that I was really home. It seemed like I had been away from this place for a lifetime. Nala raced out into the clear, open air, Lealia and Dawn not too far behind her while Luke, Mani and I took our time leaving the cave. Once the sunshine hit my skin, I started giggling before spreading my arms out and basking in the rays of sun.

"Hey Dinah!" Nala shouted from ahead of. "Come on I see the high rocks!"

A smile spread on my face as I ran and caught up to Nala before jumping on her back.

"Tau ō!"

Off she ran at the speed of light, her wings flaring up before they began to flap. The closer we got to the high rocks of the cliff, the higher she began to ascend. I laughed giddily as she let out a vibrant roar. We landed on the top, everyone else coming up behind us as we looked down to the huge body of water.

Seeing the ocean caused something in me to stir up, my eyes beginning to glow a pretty sky blue as my crystal necklace did the same

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Seeing the ocean caused something in me to stir up, my eyes beginning to glow a pretty sky blue as my crystal necklace did the same. I soon felt Mani's hand on the small of my back, her lips close to my ear.

"Do it love..." she whispered to me before kissing my cheek, "...I'll meet you at the bottom..."

I looked back at her before claiming her lips in mine passionately, holding her close to me.

"...ofa atu..."

"...I love you too..."

With a smile on my face, I took a huge leap as my body descended from the edge of the cliff into the clear blue ocean. As soon as my body was completely submerged in the water, I felt so alive. My eyes and necklace continued to glow sky blue, while my betrothal ring glowed rose gold, letting me know that my beautiful queen wasn't far away from me. 

Soon enough, I saw a pack of sting rays swim toward me, surrounding me as I gently ran my fingers over their backs. I followed them further out into the sea, but suddenly I stopped. There was a presence I felt that was all too familiar to me, and the more I swam, the more intense the feeling became.

I looked out into the ocean and saw a figure swimming towards me. All I had to make out was the brightness of his eyes before I swam to him with all my might. His smile grew as did mine, our bodies growing close before we shot up from the water into a small little lagoon held by giant sturdy rocks.

His hearty laugh complimented my giddy giggles as we embraced, our damp hair touching as our foreheads met. Once our laughter died down, all that was heard was the crashing of the waves far off, the steady flow of the water below us, and the steadiness of our relaxed breaths.

"And to think you couldn't get any more beautiful..." he whispered as he caressed my cheek.

I blushed profusely as my thumb traced his lips.

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