Something New...Something Familiar

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(Listen while you read the first part (love scene) of this chapter: "Gentle Earthquakes" by AURORA)


I woke up from my slumber in the arms of the woman I was falling deeper and deeper in love with. She was still fast asleep, the features of her face so peaceful and calm. I couldn't help but study every precious detail of her. She was so breathtaking.

Stirring only a little, I pushed myself up higher to reach the nape of her neck, planting soft, open mouth kisses on her neck. She moaned softly, her hands squeezing my sides as she started to stir awake. I continued to kiss her neck, my lips eventually traveling up to her earlobe before playfully nibbling on it.

"Wake up my love," I whispered to her in a melancholy tone.

I then kissed her cheek, letting my lips linger there as she brought my leg up to caress my thigh. She opened her beautiful eyes slowly to look at me just as I bit my lip. The simplest things she did always had me feeling a certain way. She had such an enchanting effect on me.

Without another word, Dinah pulled me closer to her, capturing my lips in an endearing good morning kiss. We both dreamily sighed into it as we deepened the lip lock. I smoothly got on top of her before she sat up in the bed, allowing me to straddle her as we continued to kiss each other.

Her hands found their way to my bottom, squeezing each cheek firmly. I let out a soft whimper, my hips grinding into hers as she continued to kiss me. I released her lips with a pop, looking deeply into her eyes while she continued to massage my bottom.

"What a beautiful way to be woken up," she said quietly, her nose touching mine as we smiled at each other.

"There was something that we were supposed to continue last night before we left Ty and Lauren's," I responded with a smirk. "Something that's been on my mind for quite some time now."

"Mmm..." she moaned deeply, "I think I know exactly what you're referring to your highness."

She brought her arms around my waist, nibbling my neck as she switched our positions so that I was lying down on the bed. I giggled uncontrollably, melting into every kiss she gave me. This woman is my everything. I don't know how I became so lucky to have her.

She began to give me languid kisses, lightly sucking on my bottom lip every other time our lips made contact with one another. Each kiss made me more putty in her hands, wanting to indulge myself in every delicious inch of her. She slowly began to discard what remaining clothing we left on our bodies. This was the first time we saw all of each other. She was so beautiful. Her body was created perfectly.

She looked over my body the same way I looked over hers. A sinfully sexy smile appeared on her lips mere seconds before I gave into my desire. We kissed each other hungrily, our bodies moving against one another in such a delicious friction. We slowly opened our eyes as they became hazed over, our inhibitions dwindling as our movements became more desperate.

Your skin feels so good against mine.

She smiled into the kiss, continuing with her languid motions.

I've waited so long to just take you like this...having you all to myself. I'm gonna make you feel so good.

Even our thoughts toward one another were fueling the desire shared between us. She then made her way down my body, spreading my legs slowly while her lips danced across the inside of my thighs. Higher and higher they went, her eyes finding refuge in mine as she grew closer to the one area I wanted her the most...the area I needed her the most...

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